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Coronavirus business grant funding by parliamentary constituency and local authority

Data on the number and value of grants to small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The spreadsheet shows the total amount of money that each local authority...

Coronavirus Service Requests

A data set which shows the service requests that have been made by Leeds residents for assistance during the Covid-19 Pandemic to the Covid-19 helpline.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Open Data Dashboard

This dashboard shows the number of people in either a Local Authority or Neighbourhood who have had their symptoms assessed over the phone by NHS 111 and 999, where coronavirus (COVID-19) was...

Learning lessons from previous pandemic-related and other shocks

The purpose of this report is to collate literature on the health, social, community, economic and environmental impacts of epidemics, pandemics and other shocks that have had large-scale impacts...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Weekly Update

Dataset no longer updated Due to changes in the collection and availability of data on COVID-19, this dataset is no longer updated. Latest information about COVID-19 is available via the [UKHSA...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Deaths

**_Due to changes in the collection and availability of data on COVID-19 this page will no longer be updated. The webpage will no longer be available as of 11 May 2023. On-going, reliable sources...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mobility Report

**_Due to changes in the collection and availability of data on COVID-19, this website will no longer be updated. The webpage will no longer be available as of 11 May 2023. On-going, reliable...

Coronavirus (Covid 19) grant funding: local authority payments to small and medium businesses

Local authorities have received and distributed funding to support small and medium businesses in England during coronavirus. The datasets cover schemes managed by local authorities: Additional...

Lost worker vs. tourism expenditure in the Central Activities Zone (CAZ) during the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the pandemic, the loss of expenditure in London’s Central Activities Zone (CAZ) due to both workers staying at home and tourists being unable or choosing not to visit has had a major impact...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Roll Out

Vaccinations in London ---------------------- Between 8 December 2020 and 15 September 2021 5,838,305 1st doses and 5,232,885 2nd doses have been administered to London residents.

Wider impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery of population health outcomes for London

These documents were produced through a collaboration between GLA, PHE London and Association of Directors of Public Health London. The wider impacts slide set pulls together a series of rapid...

Taking Part Survey 2019-20 - London summary

The Taking Part survey is a continuous face to face household survey of adults aged 16 and over in England (and children aged 5 to 15 years old). The survey provides evidence for the Department for...

Newcastle Libraries loans

Monthly loan figures (number of items issued) by branch library for April 2008 to present.   Additional information An issue is any item issued from the library catalogue Blank means no data...

Life Expectancy by MSOA 2016 to 2020

Life expectancy at birth for males and females for Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOAs), Leicester: 2016 to 2020The average number of years a person would expect to live based on contemporary...

Inequalities and Environmental Action

This report and dataset were commissioned by the Greater London Authority, and produced by Centric Lab to uncover the work of community groups that connect with environmental issues in Hackney,...

Council Current Spending

Due to the unprecedented circumstances we are facing during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it may not be possible for us to meet the timescales stipulated with regard to Council Spend Data...

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI)

The London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) is an emissions inventory which quantifies greenhouse gas emissions released to the environment from activities in London. It also quantifies...

Coronavirus and employment for those aged 70 years and over in the UK: October 2018 to September 2019

A short analysis of employment in different industry and occupation groups by age, focusing on the share of the workforce in each group aged 70 years or over.

COVID-19 loan guarantee schemes repayment data

This publication provides an update on the performance of the government’s COVID-19 loan guarantee schemes, including: the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) the Coronavirus...

Covid-19 - Positive tests in the previous seven days

Coronavirus (Covid-19) positive tests in Leicester.