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12 results found

Cricket pitches

Data showing the usage of cricket pitches in Plymouth by organisation.

Rochford Cricket Fields

This dataset shows the location of Cricket Fields within the Rochford District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence...

Male behaviour in a wild field cricket (Gryllus campestris) population in North Spain, 2019

The data provide information on a number of male cricket behaviours organized according to time and duration of the behaviour. Also included are the mean temperature at the ground level for the...

Trade-off between reproduction and body maintenance in a wild field cricket (Gryllus campestris) population in North Spain (2006 to 2016)

Data comprise monitoring records of a population of Gryllus campestris, a flightless, univoltine field cricket that lives in and around burrows excavated among the grass in a meadow in Asturias...

Life history of a wild field cricket population (Gryllus campestris) in North Spain (2006 to 2016)

Data comprise monitoring records of a population of Gryllus campestris, a flightless, univoltine field cricket that lives in and around burrows excavated among the grass in a meadow in Asturias...

Actuarial and phenotypic senescence in a wild field cricket (Gryllus campestris) population in North Spain (2006 to 2016)

Data comprise monitoring records of a population of Gryllus campestris, a flightless, univoltine field cricket that lives in and around burrows excavated among the grass in a meadow in Asturias...

Bedfordshire Orthoptera - 1975-1990

Species records of Orthoptera (Grasshoppers, Crickets and Allies) in Bedfordshire during 1975 to 1990. This digital dataset was created by the BRMC (the data provider) by digitizing paper records.

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCW02092

Survey name: LICHFIELD LOCAL PLAN (Walsall Rd, Shortbutts Lane, Cricket Lane) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCR01392

Survey name: Ightham, Crickets Farm Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail...

Sports Facilities - Scotland

This dataset contains multiple themed layers of different types of sporting facilities across Scotland. The facilities are represented as point locations, which have been captured against Google...

London Borough of Barnet Playing Pitch Strategy Update - 2021/22

The purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) is to provide a robust future action plan for sports facilities in Barnet. The outcomes arising from the assessment will inform the LBB...

Draft Playing Pitch Strategy 2017

The purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) is to provide a robust future action plan for sports facilities in Barnet. The outcomes arising from the assessment will inform the LBB...