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Clothing Roadmap - 2007

Clothing Roadmap

Skills Roadmap Consultation Results

In January 2022 the Mayor published his Skills Roadmap for London. The Roadmap sets the direction of travel for adult education in London over the Mayoral term and beyond, including future plans...

21st Century Exploration RoadMap (21CXRM) Palaeozoic Petroleum Systems Analysis Project Products

Reports, images, GIS and gridded products describing the Palaeozoic geology and conventional petroleum systems of parts of the UK offshore. Devonian and Carboniferous rocks are the focus in and...

21st Century Exploration RoadMap (21CXRM) Palaeozoic Petroleum Systems Analysis Project: Irish Sea Products

Reports, images, GIS and gridded products describing the Palaeozoic geology and conventional petroleum systems of parts of the UK offshore from the greater Irish Sea area. Carboniferous rocks were...

21st Century Exploration RoadMap (21CXRM) Palaeozoic Petroleum Systems Analysis Project: Mid North Sea High Products

Reports, images, GIS and gridded products describing the Palaeozoic geology and conventional petroleum in and around the Mid North Sea High (Quadrants 25-44). Covering a large area of the Central...

Resilient Economy and Society by Integrated SysTems modelling (RESIST) (NERC grant NE/N012143/1)

Hazards data in Sichuan (Dechang, Anning River catchment), China. Data include rainfall, earthquake, river catchment, boundary, geological map, soil map, land-cover map, road-map, DEM.

21st Century Exploration RoadMap (21CXRM) Palaeozoic Petroleum Systems Analysis Project: Orcadian Basin to Forth Approaches Products

Reports, images, GIS and gridded products describing the Palaeozoic geology and conventional petroleum systems of parts of the UK offshore from the Orcadian Basin, Moray Firth to northern Forth...

21st Century Exploration RoadMap (21CXRM) Palaeozoic Petroleum Systems Analysis Project: Overview Regional Structural, Palaeogeography and Poster Products

GIS versions of a regional structural summary and palaeogeographic reconstructions describing the Palaeozoic geology of parts of the UK offshore and onshore, plus a set of summary posters and a...

BGS Orcadian Final May 2016

This study, by petroleum geoscience team at the BGS, was created as part of the 21st Century exploration Roadmap (21CXRM). The petroleum geoscience team worked with the UK North Sea Transition...

BGS Palaeozoic Project

This zipped folder contains data from a study, by petroleum geoscience team at the BGS, which was created as part of the 21st Century exploration Roadmap (21CXRM). The petroleum geoscience...

BGS Irish Sea Final May 2016

This study, by petroleum geoscience team at the BGS, was created as part of the 21st Century exploration Roadmap (21CXRM). The petroleum geoscience team worked with the UK North Sea Transition...

BGS MNSH Final March 2016

This study, by petroleum geoscience team at the BGS, was created as part of the 21st Century exploration Roadmap (21CXRM). The petroleum geoscience team worked with the UK North Sea Transition...

2020, Glen Wheeler, The Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Coccolithus braarudii life cycle protein mass spectrometry

Coccolithophores are crucial for marine biogeochemical cycling. However, much of their physiology remains poorly understood, particularly their elusive haplo-diplontic life cycle. We aimed to...

2020, Glen Wheeler, The Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Coccolithus braarudii life cycle protein mass spectrometry

Coccolithophores are crucial for marine biogeochemical cycling. However, much of their physiology remains poorly understood, particularly their elusive haplo-diplontic life cycle. We aimed to...

Development of a Regional Sediment Mobility Model for Submerged Archaeological Sites

An understanding of the dynamics of underwater archaeological sites has been a primary research aim of marine archaeologists for the last four decades. To develop a viable sediment dynamic model...

Development of a Regional Sediment Mobility Model for Submerged Archaeological Sites

An understanding of the dynamics of underwater archaeological sites has been a primary research aim of marine archaeologists for the last four decades. To develop a viable sediment dynamic model...

Midlands Heartlands Heathland - Heathland Suitability Areas

This dataset shows areas within the Midlands Heartland Heathland corridor, which, according to their soils and historic habitats, may be suitable for heathland creation. The data provides evidence...

Newcastle City's open space

The amount and the quality of the City’s open space, greenery, and other recreation facilities is crucial to its liveability, and the health and well-being of residents and visitors. These...

Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) Working Paper 2010-03: Benchmarking worldwide CO2 saline aquifer injections

Technical report, component of ‘Progressing Scotland’s CO2 storage opportunities’ 2010. Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage is a very active field of research, especially for the past decade....

Carer Breaks Consultation 2023

Under the Care Act 2014, Local Authorities must promote carers’ wellbeing and prevent their needs from escalating. Breaks have a potentially crucial role in helping local authorities meet their...