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% of external calls answered within 20 seconds - CYC

% of external calls answered within 20 seconds - CYC. This quarterly figure shows the council's speed of reaction by calculating the percentage of number of calls answered within 20 seconds out of...

YCC % Calls Answered - TOTAL

YCC % Calls Answered - TOTAL *This indicator has been discontinued

YCC & Benefits % Calls Answered - TOTAL

YCC & Benefits % Calls Answered - TOTAL

YCC Average Speed of answer - Operators

YCC Average Speed of answer - Operators

Benefits % calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL

Benefits % calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL

YCC % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL

YCC % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL *This indicator has been discontinued

Customer Contact Records system

Student Loans Company Limited's Customer Contact operational data. Contains data on contacts made by customers.

YCC & Benefits % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL

YCC & Benefits % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL

Number of external calls answered within 20 seconds - CYC

Number of external calls answered within 20 seconds - CYC *This indicator has been discontinued.


GBCC - Customers of GBCC

Roads Service Customer Satisfaction Report

Customers' opinions of the services provided by Roads Service in Northern Ireland. This includes key services such as gritting, road drainage, street lighting, safety measures, provision made for...

Customer Relationship Management System

Customer Relationship Management System contains details of individuals and organisations that have made contact with the regulator since 2006. This will include personal details and will include...

Customer Contact Centre Performance

  Customer Contact Centre performance is measured on the average wait time for calls to be answered in seconds and the average resolution for calls received as a percentage. The term “Generic”...

Customer Contact Centre Performance

  Customer Contact Centre performance is measured on the average wait time for calls to be answered in seconds and the average resolution for calls received as a percentage. The term “Generic”...

Customer Agreements

FCO(S) - Agreements with customers

Customer Contact

Information on customer contacts with the Council, including telephone, email, face-to-face and online contacts.

Customer Access Points

Spatial dataset of Durham County Council Customer Access Points. Please see for more information.

Customs and Excise Management Act Section 164 (CEMA)

Details of people searches made under Customs and Excise Management Act Section 164 (CEMA). Updated: quarterly.

Customer Feedback Handler

Database to record customer feedback. The database records details of customers who have contacted DWP with compliments, complaints and suggestions. The system records Name, National Insurance...

Council Tax Customer Satisfaction

Council Tax Customer Satisfaction survey 2018/19 - customer calls conducted quarterly