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EU Project Report: CO2CARE - CO2 Site Closure Assessment Research, Best Practice Guidelines

This report presents a set of pragmatic and workable generic procedures, suggested best practices and other recommendations and observations for the safe and sustainable closure of geological CO2...

Spatial information and questionnaire data from coral farms and restoration sites in Indonesia 2024/Informasi spasial dan data kuesioner dari peternakan karang dan lokasi restorasi di Indonesia 2024

This is the results from a 2-day workshop and interviews with staff from coral farms and restoration sites to gather evidence to inform policy recommendations for the establishment of an...

2007 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) broad-scale mapping and development of site condition monitoring protocols at five west coast of Scotland intertidal sites

Many of the notified marine features of SSSI lie outwith the current suite of marine SAC and have yet to be subject to marine condition monitoring assessments. The principal aim of this research...

2007 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) broad-scale mapping and development of site condition monitoring protocols at five west coast of Scotland intertidal sites

Many of the notified marine features of SSSI lie outwith the current suite of marine SAC and have yet to be subject to marine condition monitoring assessments. The principal aim of this research...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Fault seal controls on storage capacity

Fault risk remains a key parameter in evaluating the potential for trapping CO2 in the subsurface, yet very little is known about the conditions under which CO2 and CO2/hydrocarbon mixtures are...

2008 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) site condition monitoring surveys of East Coast of Scotland SSSI and Ramsar sites

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), in association with the other country agencies, has established a series of common standards for the monitoring of sites of nature conservation interest. These...

2008 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) site condition monitoring surveys of East Coast of Scotland SSSI and Ramsar sites

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), in association with the other country agencies, has established a series of common standards for the monitoring of sites of nature conservation interest. These...