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2015 Department of the Environment Northern Ireland (DENI) Glenarm Undaria pinnatifida records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Department of the Environment Northern Ireland (DENI). The species listed is Undaria pinnatifida.

2015 Department of the Environment Northern Ireland (DENI) Glenarm Undaria pinnatifida records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Department of the Environment Northern Ireland (DENI). The species listed is Undaria pinnatifida.

Insurance Claims Management system(ICMS)

Previously operated by Capita now hosted by Iron Mountain: It is used to manage Coal Heath Compensation Claims. It provides historic MI for CLU and its contractors and subcontractor to manage...

Crushed rock-water experimental data investigating the role of flash heating in hydrogen and hydrogen peroxide from silicate rocks and pyrite (NERC Grants NE/W005506/1,NE/S001670/1)

The datasets include the results of microcosm experiments documenting the generation of hydrogen gas, hydrogen peroxide and dissolved iron from silicate rocks and pyrite at zero deg C after they...

Crown Prosecution Service

Conditional Cautioning was brought in by the Criminal Justice Act 2003 and is operated under a statutory Code of Practice. The Code of Practice requires the Director of Public Prosecutions to issue...