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Ratified air quality - nitrogen dioxide

Datasets showing ratified nitrogen dioxide levels (NO2) at various locations around Leeds. The data is broken down into 15 minute averages.  Please note ----------- * The data is not...

Air quality - nitrogen dioxide

Datasets showing nitrogen dioxide levels (NO2) at various locations around Leeds. Please note ----------- From 17/02/17 this dataset will be archived and superseeded by the ratified air quality...


The location of diffusion tubes used to assess the levels of nitrogen dioxide at road or near to the road side in the Durham County Council Local Authority area.

Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tube Network

Spatial dataset of diffusion tubes used to assess the levels of nitrogen dioxide at road or near to the roadside within Durham. Please see for more information.

Leeds annual nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube data

**Please Note - This Data set is no longer updated, please visit**...

Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tube Sites

Salford operates a nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube network to obtain information on the temporal and spatial variation. The network has over 10 years of data at various locations in the area. The...

Annual carbon dioxide emissions relating to UK consumption.

The impact that UK consumption has on carbon dioxide emissions.

Air Quality - Nitrogen Dioxide - Annual Mean

This dataset contains the Annual Mean Objective for Nitrogen Dioxide in Leicester City.  The Annual Mean is not to exceed 40µg/m3.

Air Quality - Nitrogen Dioxide - Hourly Mean

This dataset contains the Hourly Mean Objective for Nitrogen Dioxide in Leicester City.  The hourly mean is not to exceed 200µg/m3.  18 exceedances are permitted per year.

The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fulford (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fulford (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s health based annual mean...

High accuracy line intensity data for carbon dioxide

High accuracy line intensity for carbon dioxide project was NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded. The aim of the project was to provide an accurate theoretical solution to the problem...

High accuracy line intensity data for carbon dioxide

High accuracy line intensity for carbon dioxide project was NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded. The aim of the project was to provide an accurate theoretical solution to the problem...

The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Lawrence St (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Lawrence St (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s health based annual mean...

The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Gillygate / LMW (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Gillygate / LMW (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s health based annual...

The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fishergate/Paragon (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fishergate/Paragon (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s health based...

The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Salisbury Terrace (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Salisbury Terrace (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s health based annual...

Carbon emissions across the city (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) - (Calendar Year)

Carbon emissions across the city (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) - (Calendar Year)

EU Project: Joule II - The underground disposal of carbon dioxide

In January 1993, as part of the Joule II Non-nuclear Energy Research Programme, the European Commission initiated a two year study of the potential for the disposal of industrial quantifies of...

Joule II Project Paper: Natural occurrences as analogues for the geological disposal of carbon dioxide

It is now generally accepted that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are contributing to the global rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. One possibility for reducing carbon dioxide emissions is to...

The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Blossom St/Holgate (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

The maximum Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Blossom St/Holgate (ug/m3) (Calendar Year) If the published value is above 40µg/m3, the location has exceeded the Government’s health based...