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2,738 results found

Foodbank Distribution Outlets

Location of food pack distribution outlets, captured as point dataset. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE.

Promotional material distribution lists

Promotion material distribution lists - Name, email address, postal address, telephone number, subject interest.

Press Notice Distribution Data

Press Notice Distribution data. Name, email address, postal address, telephone number. Organisation, subject interest.

Distributive and Services Trades

Provides information on turnover of various Distribution and Service industries at the three digit level of UK Standard Industrial Classification. Source agency: Office for National...

Species Distribution - A verified distribution model for the lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus)

The lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus is a key component of the North East Atlantic ecosystem but little is known about its distribution outside of fished areas. In this study, species distribution...

Navy News DPRN/FLEET distribution list

Distribution list for copies of Navy News to people and units nominated by Fleet media.

Larch Species Distribution Private Sector England

Distribution of Larch in private ownership, identified by visual analysis of aerial photography. Compiled by tree health and research workers. The visual nature of the analysis used to create this...

Highly mobile fish species distributions in UK waters

Distribution shapefiles of highly mobile species, derived from BS Sample, BSFSM, FSS and data mining and the Environment Agency.

Highly mobile fish species distributions in UK waters

Distribution shapefiles of highly mobile species, derived from BS Sample, BSFSM, FSS and data mining and the Environment Agency.

2000-2004 Davis et al. European distribution of Styela clava

A subset of literature review detailing the European distribution of Styela clava, this subset is limited to the UK records only. Publication: 2007 Davis et al. European distribution of Styela clava

Distribution Of UK North Sea Lithostratigraphic Units

This dataset shows the distribution of Middle Jurassic, Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous lithostratigraphic (UK Offshore Operators Association - UKOOA) units within the UK North Sea graben. The...

Med Distribution database

Details of war pension file medical casework tracking

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) & Good Distribution Practice (GDP) Inspections

The data provides information on Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) inspections of manufacturers of veterinary medicines; and Good Distribution Practice (GDP) inspections of veterinary wholesale...

Campanula rotundifolia cytotype, distribution and first flowering dates v2

Data were collected to determine the geographic distribution of different cytotypes of Campanula rotundifolia L. Most sampling concentrated on Britain and Ireland, but samples from mainland Europe,...

2002 European Commission European distribution of harmful algal blooms

Report of a European workshop organised jointly by the Fifth Framework Programme Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development of the European Commission, the Institut de Ciències del Mar,...

2002 European Commission European distribution of harmful algal blooms

Report of a European workshop organised jointly by the Fifth Framework Programme Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development of the European Commission, the Institut de Ciències del Mar,...

Distribution input and supply pipe leakage: 1992/93 to 2010/11

Distribution input and supply pipe leakage: 1992/93 to 2010/11

Foodbank Voucher Distribution locations

Location of food voucher collection locations, captured as point dataset. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence -...

Veterans World Distribution Database

Details of recipients of Veterans World magazine

Digitised fish spawning distribution adapted from the Olsen 1883 Piscatorial Atlas

The dataset is a collection of Geographic Information System (GIS) shapefiles showing the general distribution and spawning distribution of 14 fish species selected from the 46 maps in O.T....