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Geological disturbances which may have been affected by coal mining

The dataset details types of geological disturbances which may have been affected by coal mining. It shows the best plot position for each geological fault, fissure and break line based on...

Natural bed disturbance modelling outputs

This dataset consists of output from a computer model that attempts to predict annual seabed disturbance caused by waves and currents. Disturbance was taken to mean physical movement of the...

Natural bed disturbance modelling outputs

This dataset consists of output from a computer model that attempts to predict annual seabed disturbance caused by waves and currents. Disturbance was taken to mean physical movement of the...

Vertical profile data of light transmission in Atlantic forests along a disturbance gradient

The data set contains vertical profiles of diffuse light transmittance measured within six forest plots in montane Atlantic forest, São Paulo state, Brazil. The plots measured include intact,...

A systematic florula of a disturbed urban habitat, Sheffield, England: Plant occupancy data

Plant occupancy data from a survey of a disturbed urban habitat. The survey is an occupancy study of the vascular plants of 16 500 x 500 m (0.25 km2) urban grid cells, stratified by quadrant at the...

Boreal forest floor greenhouse gas emissions across a wildfire-disturbed chronosequence

Data collected during field experiments to investigate the effect of wildfires on greenhouse gas emissions across forests of differing ages in Sweden. Data comprise greenhouse gas measurements,...

River style characterisation, hydromorphological attributes, catchment properties and stream power analysis for the Bislak Catchment, Philippines, 2020

The shapefiles contain the classification and locations of each river style determined by the authors. The data were used to characterise the river styles in Bislak River, Philippines. Shapefiles...

Physical, chemical and biological properties of European grassland soils subjected to laboratory climatic disturbance

This dataset comprises soil and environmental data for multiple European grassland soil samples which had been subjected to multiple climatic disturbances in the laboratory (including temporal...

Soil biogeochemical data from gradients of windthrow disturbance, Kielder Forest, England, summer 2022

This dataset contains soil biogeochemical data collected along gradients of windthrow disturbance in Kielder Forest, Northumberland, England, in summer 2022 as part of the Monitoring Underground...

EWCO - Water Quality

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation to help reduce pollutants through land use change that reduces fertilizer application or by creating woodland that...

Nematode assemblages from field-sampling and lab based disturbance experiments from the Exe and Lynher estuaries 1995 - 1997

Data consists of presense data of nematode worms, from both sand and mud habitats, in the form of count data. Data were collected from both the Exe estuary and the Lynher estuary between August...

OS VectorMap™ Local Raster

Keywords: Buildings, Rivers, OSVectorMapLocalColourRaster, OSVectorMapLocalBackdropColourRaster, OSVectorMapLocalBlackAndWhiteRaster OS VectorMap Raster is a GeoTiff, pre-styled version...

Species point records from 1991 FRPB Belhaven Bay (Dunbar) survey

The survey details the findings of a survey carried out of the intertidal and subtidal sediment around a long sea outfall in Bellhaven Bay, Dunbar. No major temporal or spatial differences have...

Habitat point records from 1991 FRPB Belhaven Bay (Dunbar) survey

The survey details the findings of a survey carried out of the intertidal and subtidal sediment around a long sea outfall in Bellhaven Bay, Dunbar. No major temporal or spatial differences have...

EWCO - Flood Risk Management

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation to help reduce flood risk by slowing flood flows and increasing the retention and infiltration of water on the...

Nematode assemblages from lab-based disturbance experiments using samples from the Exe and Lynher estuaries, February to May 1996

Data consists of presense data of nematode worms, from both sand and mud habiatats, in the form of count data. Bulk sediment samples were collected from both the Exe estuary and the Lynher...

OS VectorMap District

OS VectorMap District is a simple vector dataset with a nominal scale of 1:25000 covering the whole of Great Britain that has been designed for creating graphical mapping. The product can be used...

Species point records from 1980 OPRU Lundy littoral rock & caves survey

Field studies carried out in 1980 provide records of shore communities from five open-shore sites and six caves or pairs of caves at Lundy. The species present are listed with notes on their...

Habitat point records from 1980 OPRU Lundy littoral rock & caves survey

Field studies carried out in 1980 provide records of shore communities from five open-shore sites and six caves or pairs of caves at Lundy. The species present are listed with notes on their...

OS Vector Tile API

Slick, quick vector maps for use as a customisable, contextual base, with a focus on web and mobile apps. Benefit from unrivalled levels of detail in your web or mobile app. OS Vector Tile API...