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47 results found

Healthy eating adults (%)

Healthy eating adults (%) *This indicator has been discontinued

Employment Tribunal and EAT Statistics

This report presents annual statistical information on Employment Tribunals (ET) and Employment Appeal Tribunals (EAT) in Great Britain. Source agency: Justice Designation: Official Statistics...

Places to eat and drink in Leeds

> Here's a useful dataset to some of the places across the city to eat and drink. Please note ----------- * Work is ongoing to ensure this data is accurate. * Further information can be...

Percentage Adult Population That Eat Healthy - Plymouth - 2006-2008

Data showing the Percentage Adult Population That Eat Healthy 2006-2008

Eating biodiversity - ecology data, 2005-2007

The study is part of the NERC Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme. This project investigated the links between quality food production and biodiversity protection by asking the question:...

Food and You biennial consumer survey (2010, 2012, 2014)

The Food and You survey provides information about reported behaviours, attitudes and knowledge relating to food issues. It provides data on people’s reported food purchasing, storage, preparation,...

NI 052a - Take up of school lunches - Primary School

Percentage of pupils on the school roll who eat a lunch at school that is provided by the school or local authority (including those in receipt of a free school meal).

NI 052 - Take up of school lunches

Percentage of pupils on the school roll who eat a lunch at school that is provided by the school or local authority (including those in receipt of a free school meal).

NI 052b - Take up of school lunches - Secondary School

Percentage of pupils on the school roll who eat a lunch at school that is provided by the school or local authority (including those in receipt of a free school meal).

School Meals in Scotland

Information on the uptake of school meals, registration for free school meals and various healthy eating policies. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Food Statistics Pocket book

Provides a concise round-up of statistics on food covering the economic, social and environmental aspects of the food we eat. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation:...

Biannual Public Attitudes Tracker survey

The FSA conducts a tracking survey with consumers, in order to monitor changes in consumer attitudes towards the Agency and food-related issues. The survey covers four main areas: Awareness of the...

St Pancras And Somers Town Partnership Insight Report 2017

This report has been produced by public health as part of the St Pancras and Somers Town Partnership, and describes a series of insights from local residents and wider stakeholders around what...

COVID-19 Restrictions Timeseries

National and local restrictions and policies affecting London, by date. Supplied as an experimental dataset to provide context for analysis of other social or economic datasets, for instance,...

NI 052 Take up of school lunches

Percentage of pupils on the school roll who eat a lunch at school that is provided by the school or local authority (including those in receipt of a free school meal). Source: Department for...

Food security in London: Headline findings from The Survey of Londoners 2018-19

The Mayor of London committed to measuring food security in London in his Food Strategy. The Survey of Londoners collected this data, which will be used to support the development of long-term...

Gen Z data tables – total sample; and Gen Z data tables – Gen Z sample

These two datasets provide the responses to a survey on food including what influences decisions on what people choose to eat, and what is important to people when selecting food for example price,...

Shellfish monitoring results

Bivalve mollusc (shellfish) harvesting areas are classified according to the extent of contamination shown by monitoring of E. coli in shellfish flesh. Treatment processes are stipulated according...

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Camden

This dataset contains food hygiene ratings or inspection results given to businesses located in the London Borough of Camden, and reflect the standards of food hygiene found on the date of...

Chemical contaminants in White-tailed sea eagle eggs - Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme (PBMS)

Data from analyses of addled and deserted sea eagle eggs collected by licensed collectors in Scotland. Contaminants reported include polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides or...