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830 results found

Overseas Market Introduction Service

Customer names, addresses etc.

Electronic File Series 2004-2013

The data provides a list of Food Standards electronic file series from 2004-2013, their function and quantity of records preserved from each. The current FSA file plan can be found in the dataset...

Market segmentation

Segmentation of the adult England population with interactive tool and raw data to help understand where different types of people are located and how to reach them. Postcode level data with...

Housing Market Indicators

A dataset of indicators of the state of the UK housing market This is a collection of indicators from diverse sources on different aspects of the state of the UK housing market. Some indicators...

Marketing & Advertising Exemption

Marketing & Advertising spend that is exempt from public sector moratoria set out in the spending review.

Labour Market System

The Labour Market System is an IT system used by DWP to support getting people into work, whether they are in receipt of benefit or not. The database contains personal details such as National...

Labour Market Supplement (LMS) report

Details of staff receiving a Labour Market Supplement payments in HMRC. Updated: quarterly.

Labour Market Supplement (LMS) report

Details of staff receiving a LMS payment in HMRC. Updated: quarterly.

Defra electronic legal deposit

It is a statutory requirement for Defra to notify the British Library of new publications. This data is compiled from information on the GOV.UK website. Attribution statement: © Crown Copyright


Locations of markets in the City of Nottingham including information about the days on which the markets operate.

Housing market and house prices

There are a large number of Housing spreadsheets that provide the latest, most useful or most popular data, presented by type and other variables, including by geographical area or on a temporal...

Lifetime Labour Market Database

The L2 database (Lifetime Labour Market Database) is a 1% sample of HMRC's National Insurance Recording System (NIRS2). The type of information which is held relates to annualised National...

High Speed Rail consultation (electronic)

Responses received to the 2011 High Speed Rail consultation (web, e-mail, scanned version of hard copy responses). Dataset contain personal information including name, address, postcode, email...

Electronic purchasing card solution use - HM Revenue & Customs

HMRC publishes details of all spending over £500 using an electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS) on a monthly basis. The ePCS has replaced the government procurement card (GPC). Note: In...

Northern Ireland Labour Market Report

Labour Market Statistics for Northern Ireland (employment, unemployment, earnings). Source agency: Enterprise, Trade and Investment (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Northern Ireland Labour Market Report

Labour Market Statistics for Northern Ireland (employment, unemployment, earnings). Source agency: Finance and Personnel (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Labour Market Statistics Quarterly Supplement

Labour Market Statistics for Northern Ireland (employment, unemployment). Source agency: Enterprise, Trade and Investment (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Gilt-edged Market Makers Data

Gilt-edged Market Makers Data facilitates the 'official, close of business reference price for each gilt in issue.

Labour Market Status by Ethnic Group

Annual statistics on employment, unemployment and inactivity for different ethnic groups from 1993 to 2015, with further breakdowns by gender and...

Street Markets

Shows locations of street markets in Hackney part of LDF evidence base.