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13 results found

Epilepsy12 National Report 2012

This publication contains the results of Round 1 of the Epilepsy12 national clinical audit. The audit measured systematically the quality of health care fopr childhood epilepsies. The "12" refers...

Epilepsy: Mortality rate

Deaths from epilepsy. Directly age-Standardised Rates (DSR) per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) - Clinical and Health Outcomes...

Epilepsy12 National Organisational Audit Report 2018

This is the first formal output of Round 3 of the Epilepsy12 audit. It describes the organisation of paediatric epilepsy services for children and young people in England and Wales, as at April...

Years of Life Lost (YLL): Epilepsy

Years of Life Lost (YLL) as a result of death from epilepsy. Directly age-Standardised Rates (DSR) per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Information Centre...

Epilepsy12 2020 National organisational and clinical audits - combined report on 2019 data

This is the first formal release of Round 3 clinical audit data for cohort 1 and the second publication of paediatric epilepsy services organisational data of the Epilepsy12 audit. This is a...

Epilepsy12 2023 National organisational and clinical audits - combined report on 2022 data

This is a combined report of the organisational and clinical audits for Round 3 Cohort 3, published in 2022. Epilepsy12, the UK collaborative clinical audit of health care for children and young...

Epilepsy12 2021 National organisational and clinical audits - combined report on 2020 data

This is a combined report of the organisational and clinical audits for Round 3 Cohort 2, published in 2021. Epilepsy12, the UK collaborative clinical audit of health care for children and young...

Epilepsy12 2022 National organisational and clinical audits - combined report on 2021 data

This is a combined report of the organisational and clinical audits for Round 3 Cohort 3, published in 2022. Epilepsy12, the UK collaborative clinical audit of health care for children and young...

Epilepsy12 2024 National organisational and clinical audits - combined report on 2023 data

This is a combined report of the organisational and clinical audits for Round 4 Cohort 5, published in 2024. Epilepsy12, the UK collaborative clinical audit of health care for children and young...

Unplanned hospitalisation for asthma, diabetes and epilepsy in under 19s (NHSOF 2.3.ii)

This indicator measures how many young people (aged 0-18 inclusive) who have asthma, diabetes or epilepsy are admitted to hospital in an emergency. Purpose This outcome is concerned with how...

Unplanned hospitalisation for asthma, diabetes and epilepsy in under 19s (CCGOIS 2.7)

Directly age and sex standardised admission rate for unplanned hospitalisation for asthma, diabetes and epilepsy in under 19s per 100,000 registered patients, 95% confidence intervals (CI) Current...

Unplanned hospitalisation for chronic ambulatory care sensitive conditions (NHSOF 2.3.i)

This indicator measures how many people with specific long-term conditions, which should not normally require hospitalisation, are admitted to hospital in an emergency. These conditions include,...

Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF): Disease prevalence, achievement and exceptions data

Disease prevalence and achievement/exception performance against key indicators for GP Practices as part of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). Data is presented in CSV files for the...