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Essential Car User Mileage

Data set showing the annual mileage of Leeds City Council staff who receive an essential car user allowance.

MMO1044 spatial confidence in the essential fish habitat modelled outputs

This data shows the relative confidence on the EFH model prediction calculated by combining information on the statistical model predictive ability, confidence assigned to the input data layers...

Essential Skills Enrolments (administrative geographies)

Enrolments in Essential Skills courses by Academic year. As such, data for 2014 represents the academic year 1 August 2014 - 31 July 2015.

CPS Key Measures

This data relates to the CPS Key Measures reports. These reports focus on several business areas including conviction rates, prosecutions dropped and average working days lost.

Measuring Tax Gaps

Statistics relating to estimates of tax gaps - the difference between tax collected and that, which in HMRC's view, should be collected. The VAT gap estimate for 2012-13 relies on National...

Essential Skills Activity 2002 - 2014/15

The data shows the number of enrolments within each Essential Skills subject, and also provides further detail into the characteristics of those enrolling and performance statistics for the...

Essential Skills Activity 2002 - 2015/16

The data shows the number of enrolments within each Essential Skills subject, and also provides further detail into the characteristics of those enrolling and performance statistics for the...

Essential Skills Activity 2002 - 2013/14

The data shows the number of enrolments within each Essential Skills subject, and also provides further detail into the characteristics of those enrolling and performance statistics for the...

Type Approval Certificates published by the National Measurement Office

The National Measurement Office provides a range of type approval services designed to enable manufacturers gain access to European and global markets for weighing and other regulated measuring...

National Measurement System' Working Group personal details database

Private contact details of Working Group members

Adjustments for Measured Term Contracts

The monthly Updating Percentages may be used as a contractual basis for the reimbursement of increased costs on measured term contracts let on all PSA Schedules of Rates or other forms of...

Patient Experience Overall Measure

Consolidates results from surveys in the National Patient Survey Programme to give overall experience scores (out of 100) for the NHS against 5 broad headings. Source agency: Health Designation:...

National Child Measurement Programme

This report summarises the key findings from the Government's National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) for England, 2009/10 school year. The report provides high-level analysis of the prevalence...

Integrated Performance Measures Monitoring

Monitors how PCTs perform against measures in the following areas: CHD-Diabetic retinopathy; CHD-NHS Health Checks; Older people-Delayed Discharge; Health Improvement-Maternity; Health...

Get Britain Working Measures

This publication covers statistics on the following Get Britain Working Measures: work experience, New Enterprise Allowance and sector-based work academies. Publication of these statistics...

Exceptions to cross government moratoria on spend in CO

To help tackle the budget deficit, the government introduced a new and ambitious approach to take out costs and waste in central government operations in order to protect essential jobs and...

Widening Higher Education Participation Measures

This covers measures of widening participation in Higher Education including progression rates for young people in England by free school meal status and school type. Source agency: Business,...

Parental Responsibility Measures, Attendance Census

The Parental Responsibility Measures Attendance Census is a mandatory data collection for all 152 local authorities in England in respect of their use of penalty notices, parenting contracts and...

Local Child Poverty Proxy Measure

The proportion of children living in families in receipt of out of work benefits for each local authority in...

NI 089b - Reduction of number of schools judged as requiring special measures - Average time in special measures

The number of failing schools. A failing school is one judged on inspection by Ofsted to be providing inadequate education and lacking the capacity to improve, and therefore placed in special...