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29 results found

Microphysics of Antarctic Clouds (MAC):in-situ airborne atmospheric measurements and NAME dispersion footprints model output

Microphysics of Antarctic Clouds (MAC) is an active NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded project (NE/K01305X/1). This dataset collection contains NAME dispersion footprints model...

Microphysics of Antarctic Clouds (MAC):in-situ airborne atmospheric measurements and NAME dispersion footprints model output

Microphysics of Antarctic Clouds (MAC) is an active NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded project (NE/K01305X/1). This dataset collection contains NAME dispersion footprints model...

Optical microscopy photomicrographs taken of thin sections of samples from the Warton slag bank in northwest England (2022-2023) (NERC Grant NE/X009718/1)

This dataset contains photographs from an optical microscope by transmitted light and reflected light. The data was collected in 2022-2023. The data was collected for the purpose of visualising...

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) data from samples collected from sites of lithified artifical ground (Warton, Glengarnock, Derwent Howe, Harrington, Auchendinny, Lynemouth) in Scotland and northwest England (2022-2023) (NERC Grant NE/X009718/1)

This dataset contains SEM data comprising raw data files (.dat) and AZtec file (.oip) for reading the data. The data was collected in 2022-2023. The data was collected for the purpose of...

X-Ray Diffraction Data showing mineralogy of samples collected from slag banks (Warton, Glengarnock, Derwent Howe, Harrington) in Scotland and northwest England (2022-2023) (NERC Grant NE/X009718/1)

This dataset contains the raw data from X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis of samples from 4 different field locations - Warton, Glengarnock, Derwent Howe, Harrington. The data was collected in...

OS Detailed Path Network

OS Detailed Path Network is a fully-connected, heighted path network covering Britain’s National Parks. Create off-road navigation apps, build exciting navigation websites and apps that help your...

Scottish Ferry Ports

This dataset represents passenger and vehicle ferry ports in Scotland. These are the start and end terminals for the Scottish Ferry Routes dataset. It was initially created for use within the...

Scottish Ferry Routes

This dataset represents passenger and vehicle ferry services in Scotland. These are the routes for the start and end terminals in the Scottish Ferry Ports dataset. It was initially created for use...

UKCCSRC 2020: Electrical Capacitance Tomography and Temperature profiles data for the experiment of CO2 frost formation during cryogenic carbon capture with tomography analysis at The University of Chester 2020

A dataset is presented for defining real-time CO2 frost formation in a vertical packed column. ECT could estimate the internal permittivity distribution of the sensing area through boundary...

2006 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Loch Sunart marine features site condition monitoring survey

The principle purpose of this benthic survey in Loch Sunart SAC and SSSI was to design and initiate a hierarchical monitoring programme for the features of interest within the SSSI and SAC;...

2006 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Loch Sunart marine features site condition monitoring survey

The principle purpose of this benthic survey in Loch Sunart SAC and SSSI was to design and initiate a hierarchical monitoring programme for the features of interest within the SSSI and SAC;...

Seasonal breakthrough curves of conservative (fluorescein) and reactive (resazurin and resorufin) tracers at an agriculturally-impacted stream at Wood Brook, UK, 2016-2017

This dataset contains breakthrough curves of conservative (fluorescein) and reactive (resazurin and resorufin) tracers resulting from instantaneous tracer experiments in a lowland agricultural...

Rapid dynamics in the Earth's core (NERC grant NE/I012052/1)

Published Papers: 1) Brown, W.J., Mound, J.E. \& Livermore, P.W., (2013) Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Vol 223, pp 62-76 Jerks abound: an analysis of geomagnetic observatory...

Real-time bioaerosol emission data from a range of environmental sources, UK, 2016-2018

The data offers insights to utility of single particle ultraviolet light- induced fluorescence (UV-LIF) measurements in providing quantification and spatio-temporal characterisation of bioaerosols...

GP practice prescribing data - Presentation level

Warning: Large file size (over 1GB). Each monthly data set is large (over 10 million rows), but can be viewed in standard software such as Microsoft WordPad (save by right-clicking on the file...

Ground Penetrating Radar Data from BGS Iceland Glacier Observatory Project, 2012-2014

These files contain ground penetrating radar (GPR) data collected from the glacier margins and forelands of Falljökull and of Kvíárjökull, south-east Iceland, between 2012 and 2014. The data were...

Habitat point records from 1985 Smith Loch Sween littoral survey

Loch Sween is situated on the east side of the Sound of Jura, in south-west Scotland. It opens to the south-west and its mouth is partially protected by the small MacCormaig Isles. The main body of...

Species point records from 1985 Smith Loch Sween littoral survey

Loch Sween is situated on the east side of the Sound of Jura, in south-west Scotland. It opens to the south-west and its mouth is partially protected by the small MacCormaig Isles. The main body of...

Habitat point records from 1984 NCC/OPRU Loch Sween sublittoral survey

Loch Sween is situated on the east side of the Sound of Jura, in south-west Scotland. It opens to the south-west and its mouth is partially protected by the small MacCormaig Isles. The main body of...

Species point records from 1984 NCC/OPRU Loch Sween sublittoral survey

Loch Sween is situated on the east side of the Sound of Jura, in south-west Scotland. It opens to the south-west and its mouth is partially protected by the small MacCormaig Isles. The main body of...