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330 results found

NI 035 Building resilience to violent extremism

The standard of local areas arrangements against a number of key factors: The assessment framework will assesses the quality of Preventing Violent Extremism projects on a scale of 15 against 4 main...

NI 035 - Building resilience to violent extremism

The standard of local areas arrangements against a number of key factors: The assessment framework will assesses the quality of Preventing Violent Extremism projects on a scale of 15 against 4 main...

Weather Extremes

The tables provided show the national weather records. To ensure consistency, these weather records are only given for stations with standard instruments and exposure. Although some records have...

Citizenship Survey: Attitudes toward Violent Extremism

This statistical Release presents experimental statistics from the first three quarters (April to December 2009) of the 2009-10 Citizenship Survey. It focuses on the extent to which people reject ...

Coastal Extreme Swell Wave Conditions (AfA189)

Flood and Coastal Risk Management - Incident Management. Coastal Extreme Swell Wave Conditions dataset and supporting information providing information on offshore extreme swell wave conditions...

English and Welsh Local Resilience Forum boundaries

This boundary dataset has been created by aggregating and dissolving together Local Authority boundaries.

Flood resilience community pathfinder funding evaluation

As intended by Defra and shown in Table A1, the 13 pathfinder projects represented diverse characteristics. Eight of the projects involved the National Flood Forum (NFF) as the lead on community...

Climate resilience documents

This dataset includes links to policies, strategies and documents relevant to climate resilience on a wide range of geographic scales. The project was undertaken with the guidance of Leeds City...

Regional Extremes Observations

Extremes of temperature, rainfall and sunshine are provided for a chosen region along with the location at which the extreme occurred. Based on observation sites split across: Eight...

Thames Estuary 2100 Extreme Water Level nodes

Extreme Water Level nodes show the point locations of modelled data projections for extreme water levels (heights) that could occur in the estuary in the future. Extreme water levels take into...

Local Resilience Partnerships

Regional and Local Resilience Partnerships (RRPs/LRPs) are the principal mechanisms for multi-agency co-ordination under The Civil Contingencies Act (2004). They promote co-operation between...

Regional Resilience Partnerships

Regional and Local Resilience Partnerships (RRPs/LRPs) are the principal mechanisms for multi-agency co-ordination under The Civil Contingencies Act (2004). They promote co-operation between...

Strategic Water Infrastructure and Resilience Project - capacity of strategic infrastructure assets

The Strategic Water Infrastructure and Resilience research project (WT1535) was conducted for Defra and Environment Agency to consider the implications of future water resource scenarios and...

We are Calderdale 2020: Kindness and Resilience

[We are Calderdale 2020]( is an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners within Calderdale. To support the event,...

We are Calderdale 2019: Kindness and Resilience

[We are Calderdale 2019]( is an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners within Calderdale. To support the event,...

Local Resilience Forums (December 2015)

Data identifying the location of Local Resilience Forums. For more information, please see the ONS Geoportal website. Boundaries for these geographies have been generalised (to 20 metres) and...

London COVID-19 Resilience Dashboard

No description provided

Coastal Design - Extreme Sea Levels

This GIS dataset and supporting information providing design / extreme sea level and typical surge information around the coastline of Wales under present day conditions. This is a specialist...

Coastal Design Sea Levels - Coastal Flood Boundary Extreme Sea Levels (2018)

This metadata record is for AfA product AfA 010. Extreme Sea Level values is part of Coastal Design/Extreme Sea Levels,a GIS dataset and supporting information providing design / extreme sea level...

Coastal Design Sea Levels - Coastal Flood Boundary Extreme Sea Levels Estuary (2018)

This metadata record is for AfA product AfA 010. Extreme Sea Levels Estuary values is part of Coastal Design/Extreme Sea Levels,a GIS dataset and supporting information providing design / extreme...