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Victim and offender - gender and age

Breakdown of victim and offenders for each district, by age group and gender in Cambridgeshire. The data covers the full year of 2012 and covers victims and offenders as identified by...

Homicides by victim ethnicity

Homicides currently recorded by ethnic appearance of victim Source: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Publisher: Ministry of Justice Geographies: Police Force Area Geographic coverage: England and...

Victims of crime by ethnicity

The data measures the percentage of people who said they had been the victim of at least one crime in the last year. All data is analysed by ethnicity, and there are further analyses that combine...

Victims and Survivors Services - Funded Organisations 2017/18

Organisational contact details and services funded via Victim Support Programme and Peace IV from 2017/18 financial year.

Victims of Overseas Terrorism Compensation Scheme Cases Resolved (CICA)

Information on the compensation application outcomes for victims of overseas terrorism. Data contains personal details of applicants, case type, reasons and numbers of rejections, amount of award.

Victim and Witness Experience of the Northern Ireland Criminal Justice System

This publication addresses victim and witness views of their criminal justice experience from the point of initial contact with the system right through to the point of sentencing and...

NI 026 - Specialist support to victims of a serious sexual offence

The proportion of victims of a serious sexual offence (who report the offence to the police) that receive support from a specialist sexual violence and abuse service. The relevant offences are:...

Frailty And Falls

This public health factsheet describes facts, assets, and strategies related to frailty and falls health impacts in Camden

Accidental falls: Mortality rate

Mortality from accidental falls: crude death rate, by age group, 3-year average, MFP Mortality from accidental falls (ICD-10 W00-W19 equivalent to ICD-9 E880-888 excluding E887).

National Audit of Inpatient Falls 2015

Inpatient falls are common and remain a great challenge for the NHS. Falls in hospital are the most commonly reported patient safety incidents, with more than 240,000 reported in acute hospitals...

National Audit of Inpatient Falls 2019

Falls are the most frequently reported incident affecting hospital inpatients, with 247,000 falls occurring in inpatient settings each year in England alone (NHS Improvement). The data collected by...

National Audit of Inpatient Falls 2017

The National Audit of Inpatient Falls (NAIF) is designed to capture data from acute, community and mental health hospitals relating to falls, and is based on NICE guidance and advice from NHS...

National Audit of Inpatient Falls 2022

National Audit of Inpatient Falls Data from March 2022 facilities audit and clinical audit data from 1 January to 31 December 2021, published November 2022. Falls are the most frequently reported...

An Examination of Falling Real Wages

According to several ONS measures, real wages have been falling since 2010. This article uses ONS data to examine four possible factors behind this; productivity, real wage wedges, hours worked,...

National Audit of Inpatient Falls Autumn 2021

National Audit of Inpatient Falls Data from March 2021 facilities audit and clinical audit data from 1 January to 31 December 2020, published November 2021. Falls are the most frequently reported...

National Audit of Inpatient Falls 2020

National Audit of Inpatient Falls Data from March 2020 facilities audit, reported on in Interim Annual Report, published May 2021. Falls are the most frequently reported incident affecting...

National Audit of Inpatient Falls 2023 annual report

National Audit of Inpatient Falls Data from clinical audit data from 1 January to 31 December 2022, published November 2023. Falls are the most frequently reported incident affecting hospital...

National Audit of Inpatient Falls 2024 annual report

National Audit of Inpatient Falls Data from clinical audit data from 1 January to 31 December 2023, published October 2024. Falls are the most frequently reported incident affecting hospital...

Emergency Hospital Admissions for Falls (Age 65 and over)

Falls are a major cause of Emergency Hospital Admissions for Older People, and lead to many moving from home into residential care. The highest risk of falls is in people aged 65 and over. Falls...

Injuries due to falls in people aged 65 and over (per 100,000 population)

Injuries due to falls in people aged 65 and over (per 100,000 population)