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564 results found

High-resolution synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography datasets of multiphase fluid flow in carbonate rocks at reservoir pressure conditions

The datasets contain 416 time-resolved synchrotron X-ray micro-tomographic images (grey-scale and segmented) of multiphase (brine-oil) fluid flow in a carbonate rock sample at reservoir conditions....

Filled Ground

Filled Ground sites are locations which have not been identifed as containing putresible waste, the individual record should be checked to ascertain whether this has been varified. The...


Polygon data set depicting Canal & River Trust's reservoirs.

PetrolFillingStations Open

Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999/Regulations 2000 Petrol Filling Stations/Petrol Stations/PPC

Large Raised Reservoirs

This dataset has been discontinued. Please see the datasets - Large Raised Reservoir register (Locations and undertakers) and Large Raised Reservoir (Registered information) which have...

Fluid dynamics computer models

Fluid Dynamics and Indoor Dispersion Team have the data sets generated from fluid dynamics computer models (e.g. underground train, underground station, buildings, rooms). They are sometimes called...


ardleigh_reservoir_catchment Ardleigh Reservoir Catchmernt Area is a polygon dataset with attribution indicating geographic locations of Ardleigh Reservoir Catchmernt Area within the Tendring...

Reservoir Flood Extents (Individual)

The data consists of separate packages of data for each large raised reservoir showing the flood extents for two scenarios; a “dry-day” and “wet-day”. The dry day scenario shows the flood extent...

Fenland District Council Brown Fill Site

This dataset is a record of Fenland District Council Brown Fill Sites

Large Raised Reservoir (Registered information)

This dataset contains details of Large Raised Reservoirs. Natural Resources Wales (NRW) collects and maintains data on reservoirs designed or capable of holding more than 10,000 cubic metres...

GVA per filled job (£) - Current Price (smoothed)

GVA per filled job (£) - Current Price (smoothed)

NI 193 - Municipal waste land filled

Municipal waste that is not recycled but ends up land filled. Municipal waste to landfill will include that residual waste sent directly to landfill and that which was collected for other...

Fluid pH and major and minor element data from shale-acidic fluid interaction laboratory experiments

This dataset presents major (ICP-OES) and minor (ICP-MS) element data and fluid pH during interaction of simulated fracturing fluids with the Bowland-Hodder shale at a variety of conditions, i.e....

Reservoir stocks 1988-2009

Covers a selection of representative reservoirs chosen throughout England and Wales which have a total capacity of 1,531,928 Ml.

Reservoir Flood Extents - Fluvial Contribution (National)

This data shows the extent of river flooding added to the reservoir model to determine the impacts of failure on a wet-day. It is not exactly the same as the flooding from rivers shown in the Flood...

Reservoir Flood Extents - Dry Day (National)

This data shows the individual flood extents for all large raised reservoirs in the event that they were to fail and release the water held on a “dry day” when local rivers are at normal...

Reservoir Flood Extents - Wet Day (National)

This data shows the individual flood extents for all large raised reservoirs in the event that they were to fail and release the water held on a “wet day” when local rivers had already overflowed...

Large Raised Reservoir register (Locations and undertakers)

This dataset contains details of Large Raised Reservoirs in Wales. Natural Resources Wales (NRW) collects and maintains data on all reservoirs designed or capable of holding more than 10,000...

Children with one or more decayed, missing or filled teeth

Children with one or more decayed, missing or filled teeth

Weather data from Durleigh Reservoir, 2018

This dataset contains seven month monitoring of weather conditions at Durleigh Reservoir in Somerset, England, during 2018. A Delta T WS-GP1 weather station was installed approximately 4 m above...