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Gambling Risk

Premises At Risk From Gambling Premises

Licensed gambling premises

This dataset contains a list of the premises in Great Britain which can provide facilities for gambling. This includes betting shops, casinos, bingo premises and arcades. The Gambling...

Young People and Gambling Survey

The survey explores young people’s attitudes towards gambling and their participation in different types of gambling activities, designed to provide a means of tracking these perceptions and...

GB Gambling Industry Statistics - November 2024

Gambling Industry Statistics report on the size and shape of the customer facing gambling industry in Great Britain. This report provides an overview of Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) made by...

UK Gambling Licensing Authority Statistics

Licensing authorities (LAs) have a statutory duty to provide specific information to the Commission about aspects of gambling regulation – for example, the inspection of licenced premises. The...

Hospitality and Gifts register at the Gambling Commission

A register of all Hospitality and Gifts received by Gambling Commission employees. The URL links through to the Gambling Commission website where the register is updated on a quarterly basis. Past...

Senior management expenses at the Gambling Commission

A quarterly updated list of all senior management expenses from the Gambling Commission, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. One document is created for each...

Spend over £25,000 in Gambling Commission

A quarterly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by Gambling Commission, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. One document is...

Publication of contracts entered above the value of £10000 in Gambling Commission

This dataset provides the information on the Gambling Commission's publication of ICT contracts above the value of £10000, since July 2010.

Gambling behaviour in 2021: Findings from the quarterly telephone survey (Year to Dec 2021)

Statistics on participation and problem gambling year to December 2021.

Gambling behaviour in 2021: Findings from the quarterly telephone survey (Year to March 2022)

Statistics on participation and problem gambling year to March 2022

Gambling behaviour in 2021: Findings from the quarterly telephone survey (All Data to September 2021)

Statistics on participation and problem gambling year to September 2021. For historical data please use the link provided.

Railway Link Set

A Railway Link Set depicts the full extent of a named railway as one continuous line. It may carry the name in more than one language.

Gambling permits

This dataset shows where permits have been issued for gaming machines in pubs and clubs and also family entertainment centres. The best way to work with this dataset is to save it to your computer...

Set-aside vegetation survey

Botanical survey of land formerly known as set-aside and Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAEC) 14 margins

HALOGEN AMI Signal Setting information

The data in the report is derived from Signal Setting information from the Advanced Motorway Indicator signs (AMIs) on the Highways Agency's English motorway network at an individual sign level....

Central Setting Sutton Town Centre

This dataset consists of the boundary of the Central setting of Sutton Town Centre. The Central setting is one of 3 broad character areas (together with North and South) which were originally...

Gambling premises licences

This dataset contains information about licences which are issued to premises such as bingo halls, betting shops and casinos. The best way to work with this dataset is to save it to your...



Allerdale Hadrian Wall Settings Constraint

Allerdale Planning Hadrian Wall Setting Constraint areas. Areas defined as polygons.