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288 results found

HPI - Community stability

Health Poverty Index - Root Causes: Levels of social capital: Community stability Source: Department of Health (DoH), Census 2001 Publisher: Health Poverty Index Geographies: Local Authority...

Social Justice Family Stability Indicator

The percentage of children not living with both of their birth parents, by age of child and household income. The estimated percentage of children living with both birth parents where the parents...

Affects of leakage on ground stability

This national digital GIS product produced by the British Geological Survey indicates the potential for leakage to have a negative effect on ground stability. It is largely derived from the digital...

Peat usage in growing media production

Data on the volume and composition of growing media supplied to the UK amateur and professional use horticultural markets. It contributes to the monitoring of progress of the ambition set out in...

Grow With Wyre Woodland Improvement Grant Project Area

The dataset boundary allowed targeting of English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Improvement Grant (WIG) within the scheme area in the West Midlands Region as part of the 2008 - 2011 EWGS...

State of Calderdale 2018: Grow the economy priority

The State of Calderdale assembly brings together key representatives from the public, private, and voluntary and community sectors. As part of the event Calderdale Council prepares a data pack to...

FCO Overseas Development Assistance: Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF)

The Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) supports work to reduce that risk in these countries where the UK has key interests. Through the CSSF, the UK and our international partners are...

UKCP09: Time Series of Annual values of Growing Degree Days

UKCP09 Time series of growing days. The day-by-day sum of the mean number of degrees by which the air temperature is more than a value of 5.5 °C (see FAQ 7 for further details). The datasets have...

UKCP09: 5km gridded data - Annual Average - Growing Degree Days

UKCP09: 5 km gridded data - Annual averages of growing days. The data set contains 12 files (one for each month for the 1961-1990 average period). The individual grids are named according to the...

UKCP09: Gridded Datasets of Annual values of Growing Degree Days

UKCP09: Gridded datasets of annual values. Growing degree days The day-by-day sum of the mean number of degrees by which the air temperature is more than a value of 22 °C The day-by-day sum of the...

% of panel agree their local area is a good place for children and young people to grow up

% of panel agree their local area is a good place for children and young people to grow up

% of panel disagree their local area is a good place for children and young people to grow up

% of panel disagree their local area is a good place for children and young people to grow up

Soil aggregate stability data from arable and grassland in Countryside Survey, Great Britain 2007

This dataset consists of Particle Size Distribution (PSD) measurements made on 419 archived topsoil samples and derived aggregate stability metrics from arable and grassland habitats across Great...

UKCP09: Time Series of Annual values of growing season length (days)

UKCP09 Time series of growing season length. Period bounded by daily mean temperature >5 °C for >5 consecutive days and daily mean temperature <5 °C for >5 consecutive days (after 1...

UKCP09: 5km gridded data - Annual Average - Growing season length (days)

UKCP09: 5 km gridded data - Annual averages for the growing season length in days. The data set contains 12 files (one for each month for the 1961-1990 average period). The individual grids are...

Potentially toxic phytoplankton counts from water samples collected from shellfish growing areas in Jersey from 2004 to 2019

Counts (in cells per litre) of potentially toxic algal cells for The States of Jersey analysed using the Utermohl method with light microscopy. These data are from water samples collected from...

Potentially toxic phytoplankton counts from water samples collected from shellfish growing areas in Jersey from 2004 to 2019

Counts (in cells per litre) of potentially toxic algal cells for The States of Jersey analysed using the Utermohl method with light microscopy. These data are from water samples collected from...

CYC Create Jobs Grow Economy Scorecard

The Council Plan for 2011-2015 has been succeeded by the new Council Plan for 2015-2019 and the Priority Board framework has been replaced. Please refer to the Executive Member Portfolio and York...

Modelled ozone flux for the grassland growing season in the UK and USA in 2018

This dataset consists of a vector layer (based on 1 by 1degree grid), of modelled ozone flux (POD1IAM, mmol m-2), The values per grid cell are Phytotoxic Ozone Dose above a threshold of y (y=1 nmol...

Growing season terrestrial methane static chamber fluxes from Abisko, Northern Sweden (June - September 2013)

This dataset contains calculated terrestrial fluxes of methane using static chambers from Stordalen mire, a subarctic peatland (68°20’ N, 19°03’ E) located near Abisko, Northern Sweden ....