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National Statistics UPRN Lookup (July 2024) (Epoch 111)

This file contains the National Statistics UPRN Lookup (NSUL) for Great Britain as at July 2024. The NSUL relates the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) for each GB address from AddressBase®...

National Statistics UPRN Lookup (January 2019)

This file contains the National Statistics UPRN Lookup (NSUL) for Great Britain as at January 2019. The NSUL relates the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) for each GB address from...

National Statistics UPRN Lookup (February 2024)

This file contains the National Statistics UPRN Lookup (NSUL) for Great Britain as at February 2024. The NSUL relates the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) for each GB address from...

National Statistics UPRN Lookup (July 2023)

This file contains the National Statistics UPRN Lookup (NSUL) for Great Britain as at July 2023. The NSUL relates the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) for each GB address from AddressBase®...

National Statistics UPRN Lookup (April 2024) (Epoch 109)

This file contains the National Statistics UPRN Lookup (NSUL) for Great Britain as at April 2024. The NSUL relates the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) for each GB address from AddressBase®...

National Statistics UPRN Lookup (December 2017)

This file contains the National Statistics UPRN Lookup (NSUL) for Great Britain as at December 2017. The NSUL relates the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) for each GB address from...

National Statistics UPRN Lookup (August 2022)

This file contains the National Statistics UPRN Lookup (NSUL) for Great Britain as at August 2022. The NSUL relates the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) for each GB address from AddressBase®...

ROS - Cadastral Parcels Download Service

INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels is a dataset maintained and produced by the Registers of Scotland to comply with the INSPIRE Directive. It is a sub-set of the Cadastral Map and contains the location of...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project posters and presentations: Mixed matrix membranes preparation for post combustion carbon capture (Mar 2013 to Dec 2015)

Posters and presentations from the UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Mixed matrix membranes for post combustion carbon capture (Mar 2013 to Dec 2015). Membrane processes are a promising alternative to the...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project presentations: Mixed matrix membranes preparation for post combustion carbon capture (Jul 2015 to Jun 2016)

Posters and presentations from the UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Mixed matrix membranes for post combustion carbon capture (Mar 2013 to Dec 2015). Membrane processes are a promising alternative to the...

Wigan Council Asset Boundaries

The Council’s property portfolio is spread throughout the Borough and includes, e.g. community schools, libraries, sports centres, parks, cemeteries, open space, social care premises, car parks,...

Wigan Council Asset Boundaries

The Council’s property portfolio is spread throughout the Borough and includes, e.g. community schools, libraries, sports centres, parks, cemeteries, open space, social care premises, car parks,...

GeoScour - A Geological assessment of the potential for river scour

BGS GeoScour provides river scour susceptibility information for Great Britain using a three-tiered data provision allowing increasing levels of understanding at different resolutions from...

Log file, GSAS data files and diffraction patterns from synchrotron experiments on NaMnF3 (NERC grant NE/J009520/1)

Log file and GSAS data files for synchrotron study of NaMnF3. Diffraction patterns from synchrotron experiments on NaMnF3. NERC grant: Understanding the D' zone: novel fluoride analogues to MgSiO3...

Data from the Egrett Microphysics Experiment, with Radiation, Lidar and Dynamics campaigns (EMERALD-1 and EMERALD-2), part of the Clouds, Water Vapour and Climate (CWVC) programme

The EMERALD projects were airborne measurement campaigns designed to study dynamical, microphysical and infra-red radiative properties of cirrus clouds, using both in-situ and remote measurement...

Bassetlaw District Council Land and Building Asset

The Land & Building Asset Register is a register of land and buildings that the Council own and are responsible for, which form part of the managed estate. The dataset was created as part of...

Private Water Supplies

This dataset has been derived from information contained in the UNI-form Private Water Supplies module and as such the positioning of the point features is based on the position of the relevant...

Data from the Egrett Microphysics Experiment, with Radiation, Lidar and Dynamics campaigns (EMERALD-1 and EMERALD-2), part of the Clouds, Water Vapour and Climate (CWVC) programme

The EMERALD projects were airborne measurement campaigns designed to study dynamical, microphysical and infra-red radiative properties of cirrus clouds, using both in-situ and remote measurement...

Exceptions to cross government moratoria on spend in CO

To help tackle the budget deficit, the government introduced a new and ambitious approach to take out costs and waste in central government operations in order to protect essential jobs and...

Places of interest

Polygon layer recording places of interest/tourist attractions in the City. This dataset was created to make mapping of these features easier. Data is created from the Ordnance Survey Mastermap...