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956 results found

Owner occupation in English regions

This dataset contains the percentage breakdown of owner occupiers for regions in England. This dataset was produced by the English Housing Survey and contains the percentage breakdown of owner...

Employee owner status equality impact assessment

Data tables for an assessment of the equality impacts of proposed measures to implement employee owner status. See URN 12/1215 for the related consultation paper.

Owner Occupied Housing costs using the Net Acquisitions approach

Owner Occupied Housing costs using the Net Acquistions approach

Government Major Projects Portfolio Senior Responsible Owners

The government is committed to publishing lists of the SROs for projects on the GMPP. To address this commitment the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) publishes lists of the SROs...

ID 2007 Difficulty of Access to Owner-Occupation indicator

ID 2007: Barriers To Housing and Services, Difficulty of Access to Owner-Occupation Indicator (house prices to incomes/earnings) Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID 2007 Publisher:...

ID 2004 Difficulty of Access to Owner-Occupation indicator

ID 2004: Barriers To Housing and Services, Difficulty of Access to Owner-Occupation Indicator (house prices to incomes/earnings) Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID...

Second homes

Are there many properties used as second homes in our local area? How many people live locally and own a second homes elsewhere in England and Wales? You can use this summary of Census 2011 data,...

Care Homes

This dataset contains the locations of Care Homes and Care Homes with Nursing Provision within the Metropolitan District of Bradford. The latitude/longitude location fields are indicative only,...

Home adaptations

A dataset providing information on assisted living adaptations by ward area.  Please note ----------- * For further information on adaptations please...

Lifetime Homes

Data showing the percentage of Lifetime Homes approved.

Care homes

Full details on all care homes.

Care Homes

Care homes including, name, number of rooms by type (nursing, nursing EMI, residential, residential EMI) address and location.  For more information about Care Homes see:...

Care Home Sites

Care Home Sites Contains: Care Home site data. In the ‘Care Homes’ files, field 15 identifies the owning organisation of each individual Care Home organisation - in other words, their...

Empty Homes

Data showing the amount of empty homes being brought back into use

Lifetime Homes

Data showing the percentage of dwellings developed to Lifetime Homes standards in Plymouth

Warm Home Discount

Official statistics in development on the Warm Home Discount scheme, providing figures on the number of households receiving the Warm Home Discount.

Care Home HQ

Care Home Headquarters Contains: Care Home HQ data. A standard across ODS data is to maintain a parent-child structure between organisations and their sites, building up a picture of the...

Affordable Homes Delivered

This indicator is part of the Council's corporate indicator set - KI H2 These figures are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end The 3 year target was to deliver 400 affordable...

Empty Homes Allocations

Bringing empty homes back into use is a priority for the Coalition Government. £70m of this funding has been assigned to the HCA to deliver a programme to bring empty properties back in to use as...

Affordable Homes Delivered

This indicator is part of the Council's corporate indicator set - KI H2 These figures are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end The 3 year target was to deliver 400 affordable...