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5,872 results found

Influences of soil type on forest growth (Cloich 2005)

Summarising, the objectives of the Cloich project were: To identify the influence of underlying soil & lithology on forest growth of up to 30 years; To select cross-sectional discs of tree...

Influence of riparian shade on stream thermal regime (New Forest 2010)

River temperature is a key parameter of water quality. Most bio-chemical processes and physical characteristics of a water body are functions of temperature. Aquatic organisms including fish are...

Site Access Location

Feature which has a point geometry and represents the locations where pedestrians and / or vehicles can enter or exit a site.

Factors that influence people to engage in culture and sport in Northern Ireland

This publication presents findings from the Omnibus Survey in relation to factors that encourage participation in sport; engagement with the arts; visiting libraries and visiting museums. Source...

Prison locations

Available as a search tool at

Port Locations

Port Locations

Court locations

List of all courts in England and Wales. Search tool with an API Beta-service at the moment.

Lighthouse Locations - RIMNET

Lighhouse locations hosting RIMNET monitoring equipment

Police station locations

Location and contact deails for police stations on

Speed Camera Locations

Speed Camera Locations

Taxi rank locations

Taxi rank locations

NI 004 - Percentage of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality

People who feel they can influence decisions in their locality Source: Placed-Based Survey Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), County/Unitary...

NI 004 - Percentage of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality

People who feel they can influence decisions in their locality.

Enterprise zone point locations

Rough point locations for each of the English Enterprise Zones in the country

Armed Forces by stationed location

UK Regular Forces: stationed location Source: Joint Personnel Administration (JPA) Publisher: Defence Analytical Services and Advice (DASA) Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD),...

Mine Entry Potential Zone of Influence

A Mine Entry with Potential Zone of Influence is the area of the ground that might be affected if subsidence of the mine entry was to occur. Each mine entry has a zone of influence buffer around...

Peaty Soils Location

The Peat Layer was produced by Natural England (ARM team) during June-October 2008, with the aim of identifying the extent of three classes of peaty soils for the purposes of the Partnership...

Peaty Soils Location

The Peat Layer was produced by Natural England (ARM team) during June-October 2008, with the aim of identifying the extent of three classes of peaty soils for the purposes of the Partnership...

Flood Model Locations

Flood Model Locations is a GIS layer which shows the location of detailed flood models owned by the Environment Agency. Each individual Flood Model Location contains a consistent list of...

Big Tree Plant Scheme Locations England 2013/2014

This dataset has ben superseded by the following dataset, which contains all years and accuracy of site location has been improved: This data shows...