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41 results found

Painting Pictures of Place Series – Topic Profiles

The Painting Pictures of Place series includes Topic Profiles which help provide an understanding of a topic of interest for different places in England and Wales using the most relevant data....


Restriction includes turn restrictions, restriction for vehicles, and access restrictions. Turn restrictions are a restriction based upon a vehicle manoeuvre. This type of restriction includes...

Nematode assemblages from field-samlping and lab based paint-derived tributyltin (TBT) contamination experiments from the Creeksea estuary, March 2001

Data consists of presense data of nematode worms in the form of count data.Bulk sediment samples were collected from the Creeksea estuary (south east coast of the UK) in March 2001. The csv...


Listed buildings are of special architectural or historic interest and are protected for future generations. They’re listed in their entirety, so even minor works, such as external painting, will...

Estimated percent of children in households with income below 60% median before and after housing costs, by middle super output area. Leicester, 2017-18

The dataset contains details on Households with Children, in financial deprivation before housing costs (BHC) and after housing costs (AHC) by Middle Super output area.  This dataset paints a more...

Synthetic waveforms from splitting study (NERC grant NE/K005669/1)

Synthetic seismic waveforms computed using the spectral element method for 1-D and 3-D Earth models for a variety of scenarios of structures in the deep Earth's interior.

Development Control Orders- Article 4 Land

Merthyr Tydfil Article 4 Area. An article 4 direction enables local planning authorities to remove permitted development rights from properties. They commonly include removing the right to change...

Social Focus on Young People

Brings together statistics from a wide variety of sources to paint a picture of different groups of people in contemporary society. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...

Listed Buildings

This is a building that has been identified by the Secretary of State as being of "special architectural or historic interest" and as such is worthy of special protection. Listed buildings are...

'Ageing in the UK' datasets

Paints a picture of the people aged 50 and over in the UK today. It includes information on their characteristics, lifestyles and experiences, placing particular emphasis on changes with...

Focus on Wales: Its people

Focus on Wales paints a picture of the people of Wales. It includes information on their characteristics, sense of national identity, ethnic diversity and Welsh language skills, as well as looking...

Social Trends

This series ended in 2012. An established reference source, Social Trends draws together social and economic data from a wide range of government departments and other organisations; it paints a...

The oxygen fugacity of core segregation and the redox evolution of the mantle: constraints from iron and chromium isotopes (NERC grant NE/F014295/2)

This project is aimed at understanding what kind of conditions the Earth's core formed under and how this affected the amount of oxygen present in the rocky interior of the Earth. It uses...

UK Earthquake Seismogram Data.

Recordings of earthquakes and other signals (such as quarry blasts, explosions, sonic booms and collapses) made by a network of seismometers and similar sensors across the UK. Recordings start in...

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Every Health and Wellbeing Board produces and publishes a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (__JSNA__), which analyses and identifies the current and future health and wellbeing needs of its local...

Article 4 Directions

This Article 4 Directions layer describes areas that have special planning regulations adopted by a Local Planning Authority to provide additional powers of planning control in those particular...

Pollinator data from pan traps located in habitats comprising different floral cover in Buckinghamshire, UK

This dataset contains a list of pollinator species caught within pan traps from habitats comprising different floral cover. Data were collected from the Hillesden estate, Buckinghamshire in June...

Listed Buildings

Buildings are listed by Historic Scotland for their special architectural or historic interest on behalf of the Scottish Government. The aim of listing such buildings is to protect or enhance their...

Listed Buildings

Buildings are listed by Historic Scotland for their special architectural or historic interest on behalf of the Scottish Government. The aim of listing such buildings is to protect or enhance their...

Direct testing of forsterite bicrystals via in-situ micropillar experiments at 700 deg C (NERC Grant NE/S00162X/1)

The mechanics of olivine deformation play a key role in long-term planetary processes, including the response of the lithosphere to tectonic loading or the response of the solid Earth to tidal...