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406 results found

Job Preparation Premium

The Job Preparation Premium was a weekly payment made for a maximum of 26 weeks to customers who carried out some form of activity which would help them towards paid employment.

Staff Job Roles

GBCC - Job roles and FTEs per job role

UK Civil Service jobs

Jobs currently available within the UK Civil Service NB: This data is from the discontinued website and is therefore also discontinued.

Job Seekers Allowance data

Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) is a benefit paid to people who are over 18 and who are able and available for work. This database contains individual level data of all JSA customers, including...

Smart Metering Demand Estimation Profile

Used to inform bidders  in CSP, DSP and licensing competitions of expected volume of use of DCC system

Energy Demand Research Project (EDRP)

Pilot trials (2007-2010) to test the impact of different interventions on energy demand reduction, jointly conducted by energy companies and academics (managed by Ofgem on behalf of Defra/DECC)

Historical rail passenger demand data

Rail Service Analysis - Historic Rail Passenger Demand Data derived from LENNON/CAPRI

Job Density

Information The number of jobs in an area divided by the resident population aged 16-64 in that area. For example, a job density of 1.0 would mean that there is one job for every resident aged...

Jobs Growth

Business growth and employment growth (2003-2007), by SOA.

HPI - Full time job increases

Health Poverty Index - Root Causes: Percentage increases in full time equivalent employee jobs between 1991-2001 by place of work Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Health Poverty...

Employees receiving job-related training

Employees receiving job-related training Source: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), Annual Population Survey (APS) Publisher: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills...

New Deal programme: Jobs gained

The data are used to evaluate the performance of the New Deal for Young People, Lone Parents and 25 plus and jobs gained from each programme. New Deal ran between 1998 and 2011. Source:...

Peak rail passenger demand and crowding statistics

This is a new publication presenting statistics on peak crowding and trends in rail passenger numbers throughout the day in London and other major cities. Statistics on crowding and passenger...

Historic Rail Passenger Demand and Revenue Data

Rail Service Analysis (RSA) Historic Rail Passenger Demand and Revenue Data derived from LENNON/CAPRI matched with socio-economic, car-cost/journey time and rail related variables

Import demand: long run income elasticities

Results presented in BIS research paper no. 144 Long run income elasticities of import demand.

Childcare demand projections

GLA Economics presents London childcare demand projections.  These are demand for formal childcare for 0-14 year olds, and sub-age groups.  The definition of formal childcare used is broad, and...

Proportion of Employee Jobs in BIS Priority Sectors

This release provides employee jobs information on a NUTS1 or NUTS2 basis in the BIS priority sectors. It contains both data and maps, and is intended to assist Local Economic Partnerships (LEPs)...

New Deal programme: Jobs gained by gender

The data are used to evaluate the performance of the New Deal for Young People, Lone Parents and 25 plus and jobs gained from each programme broken down by gender. New Deal ran between 1998 and...

Young Person’s Guarantee: Future Jobs Fund

From January 2012, only the separate Young Person's Guarantee annexe on FJF participant outcome statistics will be updated. The final publication covering statistics on Future Jobs Fund, Community...

Current job vacancies

All current Salford City Council job vacancies, provided by [yourcounciljobs](