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273 results found

Annual Leave reports

Detailed staffing report showing leave entitlement. Updated: annually.

Qualification levels of children leaving care

Children aged 16 and over who ceased to be looked after during the year by level of qualification achieved Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for...

Average age of rolling stock

This is the average age of rolling stock. Data is available by sector and train company. All rail vehicles leased from rolling stock leasing companies (ROSCOs) by train operators that have a...

NHS Workforce - Reasons for Leaving, Staff Movements

NHS Hospital & Community Health Service (HCHS) monthly workforce statistics - Provisional Statistics: Timeseries of Reasons for Leaving and Staff Movements

National Diet and Nutrition Survey (Rolling Programme)

The Food Standards Agency took lead responsibility for publication of NDNS statistics for the 1st year of the new Rolling Programme (publication date February 2010). For the 2nd year (published in...

Brain - Rolling Stock leasing

Collection of confidential (commercial) leasing information taken off rolling stock leases incorporated into a Excel spreadsheet.

Parental Leave (EU Directive) Regulations 2013: impact assessment

Analyses of both time-series (e.g. Labour Force Survey) and regular (e.g. Work-life Balance Employee and Employer surveys) datasets. Supports the impact assessment for draft regulations that extend...

Staff Information – sickness, Annual Leave, Special Leave, Change Process etc.

Yorkshire & Humberside Relationship Team Staff Information – sickness, Annual Leave, Special Leave, Change Process etc.

Reasons for leaving last job

This release gives information on the reasons why people left their main jobs, focusing on whether the reason they left was voluntary or involuntary. Trends in the rate of people leaving their main...

Modern workplaces [consultation]: government response on flexible parental leave. Impact assessment.

Data supporting the impact assessment for proposals on extending flexible parental leave in the closed consultation on modern workplaces (URN 11/699). The new system of flexible parental leave aims...

Thameslink Rolling Stock Project Data Site

Web-based. Holds information, in lieu of a physical data room, for accredited bidders.

Pupil numbers on roll

Number of pupils enrolled in Warwickshire schools by school from 2008 - 2010

Roll History table

Total numbers on roll since 2010 for Maintained and Academy York Local Authority Schools (Excludes dual registered subsidiary pupils). Blanks in the data indicate that school was not open in...

Number on Roll by Age

Total numbers on roll by age for Maintained and Academy York Local Authority Schools (Excludes dual registered subsidiary pupils). All data is taken from the January School Census.

School Pupils Number on Roll

This dataset shows School Pupils Number on Roll (NOR) in Lincolnshire schools. Numbers of Pupils are shown by School and by School Phase, and by Age and National Curriculum Year. The dataset...

School roll 2014/15

Number of pupils in each school in Barnet by school year.

Royal Courts of Justice and Rolls building daily court lists

Available as text at

Overall employment rate (LFS 4 quarter rolling average)

NB: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive is no longer available, so an archive is supplied Annual Local Area Labour Force Survey (ALALFS) employment rates- 4 quarter rolling average Source: Labour...

Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Excluding Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month)

Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Excluding Schools) - (Rolling 12 Month). The measure shows the percentage of the workforce who leave voluntary and is calculated by dividing the number of...

Modern workplaces consultation: government response. Equality impact assessment (EQIA) on flexible parental leave and flexible working

Data from the impact assessment for proposals to make employment practices in the UK more flexible and family-friendly. The data provides ethnic breakdown of male employees; male employees with a...