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Discretionary licensing

In some areas, landlords who rent out houses or flats must get a licence from the Council to do this. This is called Additional Licensing or Selective Licensing, also known as Discretionary...

Premises Licensing

Premises Licensing

Licensed Premises

Data showing all the licensed premises in Plymouth.

Licensed Premises

shows the location of licensed premises in lambeth

Lambeth Licensing

shows the location of licensed premises in lambeth

Abstraction Licensing

In Northern Ireland water abstraction and impoundment is controlled by The Water Abstraction and Impoundment (Licensing) Regulations (Northern Ireland 2006, as amended by The Water Abstraction and...

Abstraction Licensing

In Northern Ireland water abstraction and impoundment is controlled by The Water Abstraction and Impoundment (Licensing) Regulations (Northern Ireland 2006, as amended by The Water Abstraction and...

Licensed Premises

Premises Licenses and Club Premises Certificates issued by Swale Borough Council, published under the LG Inform Incentive Scheme, as at date published.

Camden Licensing Documents

This dataset contains licensing documents; this can be joined to the other licensing datasets using the licence reference value.

Camden Licensing Applications

This dataset contains licensing applications; this can be joined to the other licensing datasets using the licence reference value.

Camden Licensing Register

This dataset contains the licensing register; this can be joined to the other licensing datasets using the licence reference value.

Camden Licensing Activities

This dataset contains a list of licensing activity types; this can be joined to the other licensing datasets using the licence reference value.

Alcohol Licensing

Businesses, organisations and individuals who want to sell or supply alcohol in England and Wales must have a licence or other authorisation from the licensing authority.

Vehicle Licensing Statistics

Annual report providing a range of key statistics relating to licensed vehicles and new vehicle registrations in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National...

Licensed Taxis

All licensed vehicles (e.g. Taxi, private hire) operating within Mole Valley District Council, Surrey, England. Data includes vehicle registration number, vehicle make, model and colour, among...

Rushmoor Licensing Data

Rushmoor Licensed Premises Data Produced for the "Local Government Open Data Incentive Scheme" There are two versions of the file: - An Open Data version with no licensed information inside - A...

Abstraction Licensing

About this layer:In Northern Ireland water abstraction and impoundment is controlled by The Water Abstraction and Impoundment (Licensing) Regulations (Northern Ireland 2006, as amended by The Water...

Abstraction Licensing

About this layer:In Northern Ireland water abstraction and impoundment is controlled by The Water Abstraction and Impoundment (Licensing) Regulations (Northern Ireland 2006, as amended by The Water...

Abstraction Licensing

About this layer:In Northern Ireland water abstraction and impoundment is controlled by The Water Abstraction and Impoundment (Licensing) Regulations (Northern Ireland 2006, as amended by The Water...