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Local Area Labour Market

Presents a number of different indicators to give an overall picture of the labour market of local areas. Includes statistics relating to the employment, unemployment and benefit dependency of the...

Labour market participation of households for local areas

This article uses the Annual Population Survey to look at the participation of households in the labour market for local areas. It focuses on the number where all adults work, no adults work and a...

Households and the Labour Market for local areas

Subnational information about working-age households and the adults and children living in them, by household economic status. Uses January to December 2008 APS data. Source agency: Office for...

Labour Market Profiles

Labour Market Profiles for Regions, Local Authorities, Local enterprsie Partnerships, Wards and Parliamentary Constituencies.

Local Area Labour Markets in Scotland: Statistics from the Annual Population Survey

Summary publication of results from the Annual Population Survey, presenting analysis on the labour market, education and training. Results are provided for Scotland and local authority areas in...


Locations of markets in the City of Nottingham including information about the days on which the markets operate.

Maldon Market Place

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Maldon Market (1996-2005 Adopted Local Plan)

Weekly markets

Location, opening times and contact details of all weekly markets. More information on Calderdale markets can be found at...

Maldon Market Place 2

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Maldon Market and was part of the Adopted Replacement Local Plan (2005)

Regional labour market statistics

Official statistics on employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobs and the Claimant Count for regions, local authorities and parliamentary constituencies. Source agency: Office for National...

Street Markets

Shows locations of street markets in Hackney part of LDF evidence base.

Annual markets information

Dataset showing year round council and private markets. Information includes the name of the market, when it came into existence, opening times and contact details.

Broad Rental Market Areas (BRMA)

This data sets out information on the size and shape of England's Broad Rental Market Areas (BRMAs). The information comes from the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) and is available online at...

Private markets information

Dataset showing individual private markets around the city on a year by year basis. Information includes the name of the market, when it came into existence, opening times and contact details.

Labour Market Profiles

A Labour Market profile of an area.

Leeds markets

This dataset shows outside market stalls data for Leeds city, Yeadon, Pudsey and Otley. Information includes number of stalls available, how many empty stalls there were on trading days and whether...

Marketing & Advertising Exemption

Marketing & Advertising spend that is exempt from public sector moratoria set out in the spending review.

Labour Market Guidance

Guidance relating to labour market statistics is available here. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Supporting material Language: English Alternative title: LM Guidance

Housing Market Indicators

A dataset of indicators of the state of the UK housing market This is a collection of indicators from diverse sources on different aspects of the state of the UK housing market. Some indicators...

Labour Market Trends (discontinued)

This monthly compendium of statistics and articles on the Labour Market was been replaced by the Economic and Labour Market Review. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...