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Locally Listed Buildings

Local Lists of Historic Buildings recognise locally distinctive historic or architecturally significant buildings and structures. Typically these lists identify buildings and structures that are of...

Locally Listed Buildings

Local Lists of Historic Buildings recognise locally distinctive historic or architecturally significant buildings and structures. Typically these lists identify buildings and structures that are of...

Locally Listed Buildings

Buildings which, whilst not meeting the national criteria for listing, are of considerable local historic, architectural or other special character interest. These are known as locally listed...

Locally Listed Buildings

These are buildings within the borough that do not meet the criteria for English Heritage, but are still of historic interest. Placing buildings on the local list draws attention to their local...

Locally Listed Buildings

Locally Listed Buildings within Wyre Forest District.

Locally Listed Buildings

Dataset showing locally listed buildings in Hackney.

Locally Listed Building

Locally Listed Buildings defined by Chichester District Council

Locally Listed Buildings

This layer shows the locally listed buildings in Watford

Hackney Locally Listed Buildings

Locally Listed Buildings in Hackney. Local listing is a way for the Council to identify local heritage assets and set out what about them is important. The list contains buildings and structures...

Hackney Locally Listed Buildings

Locally Listed Buildings in Hackney. Local listing is a way for the Council to identify local heritage assets and set out what about them is important. The list contains buildings and structures...

Locally Listed Buildings (Polygons)

Local Lists of Historic Buildings recognise locally distinctive historic or architecturally significant buildings and structures. Typically these lists identify buildings and structures that are of...

Locally Listed Buildings

Locally Listed Buildings defined by Reigate and Borough Council Please note that this dataset is automatically updated on a frequent basis and has been refreshed after the date listed as "Last...

Southend Local Listed Buildings

This dataset shows the lcoation of the locally losted buildings within Southend. The Local list is a list of buildings within the borough, considered by the council as having local historic and...

Wandsworth Locally Listed Buildings

Many councils, including Wandsworth maintain a list of locally listed buildings as separate to the statutory list (and in addition to it). There is no statutory protection of a building or object...

Listed Buildings

This dataset contains the Listed Buildings within the City of London. Listed buildings are legally protected for their special architectural and/or historic interest. The older a building is, the...

Ipswich Borough Council - Locally Listed Buildings

These are buildings in the Ipswich Borough Council’s area that make a positive contribution to its local character and sense of place because of their heritage value, but which do not enjoy the...

Sevenoaks Open Data - Local List (Locally Listed Buildings, Structures and Leisure Spaces)

Polygon dataset of the adopted Local List within Sevenoaks District (Locally Listed Buildings, Structures and Leisure Spaces) - API and download in British National Grid.

Listed Buildings

Buildings are listed by Historic Scotland for their special architectural or historic interest on behalf of the Scottish Government. The aim of listing such buildings is to protect or enhance their...

Listed Buildings

Buildings are listed by Historic Scotland for their special architectural or historic interest on behalf of the Scottish Government. The aim of listing such buildings is to protect or enhance their...

Surrey Heath Borough Locally Listed Buildings

Dataset displaying locally listed buildings throughout Surrey Heath. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE