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High quality IT delivery Performance Report

Performance Report on High quality IT delivery. HMRC's objective is to transform the performance of the Department through the exploitation of information and technology services.

High quality IT delivery Performance Report

Performance Report on High quality IT delivery. HMRC's objective is to transform the performance of the Department through the exploitation of information and technology services.

NI 057 - Children and young peoples participation in high-quality PE and sport

Percentage of young people in England participating in sport. Young people are all those aged 5-19. All 5-16 year olds will have the chance to do 5 hours of high quality Physical Education (PE) and...

High-resolution water quality data from the River Frome catchment, Dorset, UK, August-September 2022

This dataset contains high-frequency water quality measurements taken at multiple sites in the River Frome catchment area, Dorset, UK. Water quality data consists of a mixture of 30-min sensor...

Low Pay

As a result of a data issue that emerged during quality assurance, it will not be possible to release revised 2012 and provisional 2013 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings results and Low Pay...

NI 057 Children and young peoples participation in high-quality PE and sport

Percentage of young people in England participating in sport. Young people are all those aged 5-19. All 5-16 year olds will have the chance to do 5 hours of high quality Physical Education (PE) and...

Low Emission Neighbourhoods

A Low Emission Neighbourhood (LEN) is an area-based scheme that includes a package of measures focused on reducing emissions (and promoting sustainable living more generally). A LEN is delivered by...

Low Emission Bus Zones

Low Emission Bus Zones use buses with top-of-the-range engines and exhaust systems that meet or exceed the highest Euro VI emissions standards. The zones have been prioritised in the worst air...

Horsham District Council Air Quality Areas

Horsham District Council Air Quality Management Areas. The Council's Environmental Health Section undertakes monitoring for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) at sites throughout the district. Nitrogen dioxide...

Annual estimates of occupancy for six invertebrate taxa in areas of high, low and no cropland cover in Great Britain, 1990-2019

The dataset contains occupancy estimates for 1,535 species of six invertebrate taxa (Apoidea - bees, Syrphidae - hoverflies, Coccinellidae - ladybirds, Arachnida - spiders, Carabidae - carabids and...

Air Quality Management Areas

Air Quality Management Areas - The Environment Agency is a regulator for the release of air pollutants into the atmosphere from large, complex industrial processes. This will soon include emissions...

Low Emission Zones - Scotland

Low Emission Zones (LEZs) are designed to improve air quality and were introduced across Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Planning continues at a national and local authority level. Local...

HPI: Quality of preventative healthcare

Health Poverty Index - Intervening Factors: Quality of preventative healthcare: Ratio of individuals being prescribed statins to individuals suffering high blood cholesterol levels Source:...

Low Income Dynamics

Publication concentrating on low-income dynamics. It shows trends in relation to individuals who are persistently observed as living in low-income households and presents transition...

Headwater stream quality for Britain

Data consist of modelled estimates of observed/expected Biological Monitoring Working Party (an index for measuring the biological quality of rivers using selected families of macroinvertebrates as...

Air Quality

Air Quality monitoring stations taken from Stroud District Council.

Air Quality Monitoring

Most recent Monitoring points for Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels in Cheltenham Town centre AQMA (Air Quality Management Area). An air quality management area (AQMA) is effectively an air quality...

Water Quality Archive

The Water Quality Archive provides data on water quality measurements taken from sampling points around the country and then analysed to measure aspects of the water quality and / or the...

Low Carbon Generators

Listing of low carbon energy generators installed on GLA group properties as requested in [question 2816/2010 to the Mayor]( during the...

Air Quality Hotspots

Air Quality Hotspots (areas of poor air quality under consideration for remedial measures) within Dudley Metropolitan Borough.