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272 results found

CPZ Ticket Machines

shows boundaries and locations of lambeth parking services information

Software Licence Tracker

Details of licensing information for software purchased/held by DfT(Central).

Metalworking machine tools

Output of UK-based manufacturers. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: MWMT

Fitness Information System Software

Actually three different systems, one for each Service.  The systems record Fitness levels of all Service Personnel. This is a DASA hosted system used by the three Services.

Software licences

A list of software licenses.

Biological dosimetry software

Statistical analysis & interpretation of cytogenetic data

SysAid Helpdesk Software

Database linked to Wisdom via user groups. KIM add / remove / amend content.

A new machine learning approach to seabed biotope classification

Files for use with the R script accompanying the paper Cooper (2020). Note that this script also uses files from ``_ (details provided in script). Cooper,...

A new machine learning approach to seabed biotope classification

Files for use with the R script accompanying the paper Cooper (2020). Note that this script also uses files from ``_ (details provided in script). Cooper,...

Land Registry INSPIRE Download Service Metadata

INSPIRE Polygons are a complete set of Freehold title extent indexes available for England and Wales. The data is structured to meet the requirements of the EU INSPIRE Directive. Land Registry’s...

HystLab Software v1.1.1 (NERC Grant NE/P017266/1)

HystLab (Hysteresis Loop analysis box), is MATLAB based software for the advanced processing and analysis of magnetic hysteresis data. Hysteresis loops are one of the most ubiquitous rock magnetic...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project data: CO2 equation of state software

CO2 equation of state software from UKCCSRC project: Tractable equations of state for CO2 mixtures in CCS: Algorithms for automated generation and optimisation, tailored to end-users and tutorial...

National Road Condition Database

National Road Condition Database. Measurements of road surface condition of roads taken from local authority SCANNER (Surface Condition Assessment for the Nationals Network of Roads). These machine...

ETHOS Remote Access Service (RAS) User database

Contains details of all Department for Transport central staff who have been issued with a laptop to enable them to use the ETHOS Remote Access Service. The database contains the following details:...

Multi-modal Routing Network

The Multi-modal Routing Network is a combination of OS Networks Data including Rail, Paths, Roads and Ferries combined with Modal Change Sites to create a fully topological network to enable...


MiniScale is a free digital map of Great Britain in a single data file that clearly shows towns and cities, motorways, major roads, railways and airports. Benefits and key features Show customers...

Microsatellite results from 192 full-sib offspring with 130 microsatellite markers

This data represents results from a large panel of polymorphic microsatellite markers which were used to generate a genetic linkage map for a Sitka spruce full-sib family utilising Joinmap...

Impact of the Implementation of IRIS Software for ICD-10 Cause of Death Coding on Mortality Statistics

Results of the IRIS bridge coding study, which shows the impact of the new IRIS software for cause of death coding on mortality statistics. Source agency: Office for National...

Risø output files of luminescence measurements (NERC Grant Grant NE/S007091/1)

Contains standard luminescence measurement files output from the Risø reader (SEC, SEQ, and BINX file types). This data set is comprised of standard files associated with a Risø Luminescence...

National Forest Estate Recreaton Points England 2016

Physical recreation feature on the ground best depicted as point. These features a divided into eight Categories... Signage - FC branded signs, information and navigational aids, which have...