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1,250 results found

Security Reports

FCO(S) - Security Investigations and Breach Reports; Security Operating Procedure declarations.

Secure Accommodation

The Secure Accommodation is an aggregate collection from the Secure Children's Units in England, as well as the one unit in Wales. Information is collected on places approved and children...

Security Audit Schedule

Information Management Security Monthly Audits to include physical, IT and personnel security.

Security Connect

Links security pass system to DFID Connect to allow staff photos to be uploaded/stored and disassociated.

Secure Registration Scheme

Secure registration scheme:- Records of applications for authorisation to use the DVLA secure registration scheme and records of audits. Names and addresses of applicants

Parks Maintained Areas

Grass areas, verges, lawns, conservation areas, shrubs and rosebeds maintained by Luton Borough Council Parks Department.

IBC Maintained Trees

Trees within the borough's boundary which are surveyed and maintained by IBC Parks and Open Spaces Team. Data is an extract from Arbotrack - IBC Tree inventory application

Security Clearance Database

This is a database which holds all security clearance for the Government Car and Despatch Agency

Secure Accommodation Statistics, Scotland

Number of admissions, discharges, occupancy levels, children characteristics and reason for placement in secure accommodation. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

Security Vetting Workbook

Records vetting levels of those MCA personnel who have clearance above Baseline Personnel Security Standard (CTC, SC and DV)

Aviation Security Management System

Compliance database containing numeric and descriptive record of security inspections of transport industry. No personal data other than names of inspector and possible references to names of...

Council maintained car parks

Council maintained car parks in Southampton

Trees Points (NCC Maintained)

Location of Nottingham City Council maintained trees.

NCC maintained Community Centres

Community Centres owned and maintained by Nottingham City Council.

Data on security breaches

Security breaches incurred by  individuals

Data on security clearance

Individual’s national security vetting clearance levels and when they expire

National Security Vetting data

Data relating to security clearances for MoD and other repayment customers

Aviation Security Compliance database

Contact database includes name, addresses, telephone numbers and email of industry security contacts.

Highway Maintainable at Public Expense

Highway Maintainable at Public Expense forms part of the Public Access Map. This includes: • City Walkways and Proposed City Walkways • Permissive Paths • Highway Maintainable at Public Expense •...

Security Branch Vetting Databases

Details of security clearance of individuals employed by Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Defra Network