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16 results found

Site properties of auger bores

Combined site details of auger bores collected on both the version 1 and version 2 RUFF cards. The original codified data has been translated and compiled into meaningful textual descriptions of...

Profile horizon properties of auger bores

Combined horizons details of auger bores collected on both the version 1 and version 2 RUFF cards. The original codified data has been translated and compiled into meaningful textual descriptions...

Business Register and Employment Survey

The Business Register and Employment Survey publishes employee and employment estimates at detailed geographical and industrial levels. It is regarded as the definitive source of official...

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Operational Catchments Cycle 2

Operational catchments are a way of grouping Water Framework Directive (WFD) waterbodies together at a meaningful scale smaller than the management catchment or River Basin District. The...

UK Air monitoring network

A link to data from over 1500 sites across the UK that monitor air quality. They are organised into networks that gather a particular kind of information, using a particular method. There are two...

Deformation of Sandstone under Crustal Pressure and Temperature Conditions (NERC Grant NE/L002485/1)

Data generated at UCL on a conventional triaxial apparatus used to deform three different sandstones at room temperature and 150 °C. The data includes the raw mechanical data (time, load,...

Quarterly Data Summary

Under the new QDS framework departments’ spending data is published every quarter; to show the taxpayer how the Government is spending their money. The QDS grew out of commitments made in the 2011...

2006 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA7 Technical Report - Underwater Ambient Noise (NE Atlantic west of Scotland)

This report on underwater noise is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA7) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change)....

EUNIS Combined Map: full-coverage EUNIS level 3 layer integrating maps from surveys and broad-scale models (Open Data)

In some cases, a full-coverage map displaying the best available data everywhere at the expense of consistency is required. The production of such a product showing EUNIS level 3 habitats requires...

Measures from the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework, England

The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) has been published annually since 2010-11, and draws on data from a number of collections. The ASCOF Handbook of Definitions, published by the...

Cabinet Office Business Plan Quarterly Data Summary

The Government has published the Business Plan Quarterly Data Summaries (QDS) The QDS are designed to fit on a single page to provide a quarterly snapshot on how each department is spending its...

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Key Performance Indicators

The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme is designed to support the NHS in delivering by 2014/2015: Evidence-based psychological therapies, as approved by the National...

EPSRC Project: DiSECCS - Diagnostic Seismic toolbox for the Efficient Control of CO2 Storage

The year 2011 recorded the highest ever global consumption of energy, estimated at more than 12 billion tonnes of oil equivalent. Because of this, and despite increasingly widespread deployment of...

Defra Business Plan Quarterly Data Summary

The Business Plan Quarterly Data Summaries (QDS) are a core part of the transparency agenda. They provide the latest data on indicators included in Departmental Business Plans. The QDS comprises...

Children in low income families

### About the dataset This dataset uses information from the DWP benefit system to provide estimates of children living in poverty for wards in London. In order to be counted in this dataset, a...

Education Attainment: Key Stage 4

This data shows Education Attainment at Key Stage 4. Numbers and percentages of pupils attaining at Key Stage 4 are shown by gender. Points to be aware of: • In 2016-2017, children were assessed...