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141 results found

NI 050 Emotional health of children

Percentage of children whose emotional health is good and will be based on responses to individual questions, drawn from the TellUs Survey. Source: TellUs3 Survey: DCSF Publisher: Department for...

NI 050 - Emotional health of children

Percentage of children whose emotional health is good and will be based on responses to individual questions, drawn from the TellUs Survey. "National Indicator" datasets such as this one are...

Mental health: Prevalence of common mental health problems

Number and proportion of people with neurotic disorders including phobias, depressive episodes, generalised anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and panic disorder Source: Department of...

Attitudes to Mental Illness

A survey of the attitudes towards mental illness among adults in England Source agency: Health Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Attitudes to Mental Illness

Pupil Foundation Stage Profile: Personal, social and emotional development

The proportion of foundation stage children (five year olds) achieving early learning goals in personal social and emotional development based on three measures: Dispositions and attitudes, social...

NI 058 Emotional and behavioural health of looked after children

Emotional and behavioural health of children and young people in care will be assessed through the use of a Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The SDQ is a short behavioural screening...

NI 058 - Emotional and behavioural health of looked after children

Emotional and behavioural health of children and young people in care will be assessed through the use of a Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The SDQ is a short behavioural screening...

Mental Health Bulletin

This bulletin provides statistics on NHS services for people with severe and enduring mental health problems developed from the Mental Health Minimum Dataset (MHMDS) annual returns.

Mental health: Adults with mental health problems helped to live at home

Adults aged 18-64 with mental health problems helped to live at home . Source: CSCI Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) Publisher: Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) Geographies:...

Mental Health / Learning Disability Statistics

This publication presents statistics on mental health and learning disability activity in both an inpatient and outpatient setting in Northern Ireland. Source agency: Health, Social Service and...

Statistics of mentally disordered offenders, England

This publication is known as 'Statistics of mentally disordered offenders, England and Wales 2008 (NS)', which will be published on 29th January 2010. Please refer to this publication for more...

Mental Health Community Teams Activity

Quarterly data on new cases taken on in the year by Early Intervention (EI) in psychosis services, number of patients on Care Programme Approach (CPA) followed up within 7 days of discharge from...

The Mental Health of Children and Adolescents in Great Britain

The primary purpose of this survey was to produce prevalence rates of the three main childhood mental disorders: conduct disorder, hyperactivity and emotional disorders (and their comorbidity) in...

UK Armed Forces Mental Health Report

Statistics on mental health in the Armed Forces. Source agency: Defence Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: UKAF MHR

Statistics of mentally disordered offenders, England and Wales

This bulletin is an annual publication that summarises information about people subject to a restriction order (restricted patients) admitted to, detained in, or discharged from psychiatric...

Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics

Experimental statistics from the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS), which replaces the Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Dataset (MHLDDS). As well as analysis of waiting times, first...

Mental Health Community Teams Activity

Quarterly data on new cases taken on in the year by Early Intervention (EI) in psychosis services, number of patients on Care Programme Approach (CPA) followed up within 7 days of discharge from...

CYP Mental Health

This factsheet provides a focus on the emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people in Camden.

UK Armed Forces Mental Health Annual Summary

Statistics on mental health of the Armed Forces. Source agency: Defence Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: UKAF MHAS

Effectiveness of child and adolescent mental health (CAMHS) services

This is the final edition of this publication. The Department has stopped collecting these data and there will no further publications. Source agency: Education Designation: Official...