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Mid-year population estimates

Description of Data Notes: 1. The estimates are produced using a variety of data sources and statistical models. Therefore small estimates should not be taken to refer to particular...

Mid-year population estimates

Description of Data Population estimates for the 3,780 Data Zones in Northern Ireland were published on 25th July 2024. Time Period Estimates are provided for mid-2021 and...

Mid Ulster Council Townlands

Townland boundaries for Mid Ulster District Council, clipped from the OSNI Townlands 2012.

Mid Ulster Council Townlands

Townland boundaries for Mid Ulster District Council, clipped from the OSNI Townlands 2012.

Mid Ulster Council Townlands

Townland boundaries for Mid Ulster District Council, clipped from the OSNI Townlands 2012.

Mid Ulster Council Wards

Standard Electoral Ward boundaries for Mid Ulster District Council, taken from OSNI Wards 2012.

Mid Ulster Council Wards

Standard Electoral Ward boundaries for Mid Ulster District Council, taken from OSNI Wards 2012.

Mid Ulster Council Wards

Standard Electoral Ward boundaries for Mid Ulster District Council, taken from OSNI Wards 2012.

Mid-year population estimates

Description of Data Population estimates for the 850 Super Data Zones in Northern Ireland were published on 25th July 2024. Time Period Estimates are provided for mid-2021 and...

Mid Ulster District Councillors

A list of the current Councillors on Mid Ulster District Council including their Party, Contact details, Local Government District and District Electoral Area.

Mid Ulster Council Licensed Petroleum Sites

Premises with a Petroleum Licence (from the Mid Ulster Council) within the Mid Ulster District Council boundary.

Mid Ulster Council Licensed Petroleum Sites

Premises with a Petroleum Licence (from the Mid Ulster Council) within the Mid Ulster District Council boundary.

Mid Ulster Council Licensed Petroleum Sites

Premises with a Petroleum Licence (from the Mid Ulster Council) within the Mid Ulster District Council boundary.

Mid Ulster Council Main Offices

Location of Council Offices in the Mid Ulster Council Area. Mid Ulster Council is a local authority in Northern Ireland which was established on 1 April 2015 on a review of Public Administration...

Mid Ulster Council Main Offices

Location of Council Offices in the Mid Ulster Council Area. Mid Ulster Council is a local authority in Northern Ireland which was established on 1 April 2015 on a review of Public Administration...

2016 Mid-Year Estimates

The 2016-Mid Year Estimates were released by ONS in June 2017. This report provides an overview of the estimates and components of change for London and the London boroughs.

Mid Ulster Council District Electoral Areas

District Electoral Areas for Mid Ulster District Council, including the councillors for each area. Mid Ulster District Electoral Areas boundary taken from OSNI DEA 2012.

Mid Ulster Council District Electoral Areas

District Electoral Areas for Mid Ulster District Council, including the councillors for each area. Mid Ulster District Electoral Areas boundary taken from OSNI DEA 2012.

Mid Ulster Council District Electoral Areas

District Electoral Areas for Mid Ulster District Council, including the councillors for each area. Mid Ulster District Electoral Areas boundary taken from OSNI DEA 2012.

Mid & Final Year Funding Claims

Yorkshire and Humber Colleges Mid & Final Year Funding Claims