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European Social Fund Impact Monitoring Forms

European Social Fund Impact Monitoring Forms a measure of success by project.

Northern Ireland Health & Social Care Inequalities Monitoring System Bulletin

The Health and Social Care Inequalities Monitoring System (HSCIMS) comprises a basket of indicators which are monitored over time to assess area differences in mortality, morbidity, utilisation of...

Ask Boris social media monitoring

Monthly Tweetreach reports monitoring the online metrics for the Mayor of London's 'Ask Boris' Twitter sessions. Each report is generated against the search term, hashtag #askboris and is run from...

Northern Ireland Health & Social Care Inequalities Monitoring System

Life expectancy at birth is the average number of years a person can expect to live should current mortality patterns stay constant. This report details how trends in mortality by age and cause of...

Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund

Data to monitor the installation of energy efficiency measures in domestic properties via the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) scheme in England. Official Statistics

Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Inequalities Monitoring System Third Update Bulletin

The Health and Social Care Inequalities Monitorting System comprises a basket of indicators to assess area differences in mortality, morbidity, utilisation of and access to health and social care...

Social Integration Measurement Toolkit

At the end of 2019 the Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned [PRD]( to develop a standardised social integration measurement toolkit, for use by the GLA and other...

Personal Social Services: Staff of Social Services Departments, England

This report contains information on staff employed (directly and indirectly) by adult social services departments in England as at 30 September each year. It will be of interest to central...

Social Incubator Fund Data – Social Incubator North

The data shows incubator and venture level detail about the Social Incubator Fund, a £10m fund administered by BIG, which supports social incubators to help them provide investment and support to...

Social Trends

This series ended in 2012. An established reference source, Social Trends draws together social and economic data from a wide range of government departments and other organisations; it paints a...

Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey, England

The Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey is an annual survey for England that has taken place since 2010-11. Service users were sent questionnaires, issued by Councils with Adult...

Adult Social Care Management Agreement

Each of the Council’s in-house Delivery Units has a Management Agreement that sets out the actions for delivering the relevant sections of the Commissioning Plans, along with key indicators to help...

Personal Social Services: Expenditure and Unit Costs, England

This summary provides information about the money spent on adult social care by the social services departments of Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) in England. It...

Social Capital Indicators

This paper describes ONS’s work on developing statistics on social capital in the UK. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Supporting material Language:...

Social Housing Sales

Total social housing sales in England, including Right to Buy, Right to Acquire & Social HomeBuy. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not...

Social mobility index

The social mobility index of England sets out the differences between where children grow up and the chances they have of doing well in adult life. More details available at:...

Social Fund decisions

The Social Fund scheme helped people whose needs were difficult to meet from regular income. The Social Fund Computer System records and processes current and historical Social Fund applications...

Lifetime Oppurtunuties Monitoring Framework

This report presents a range of statistical targets and indicators in support of the Northern Ireland Executive’s anti poverty and social inclusion strategy ‘Lifetime Opportunities'. The monitoring...

Lifetime Opportunities Monitoring Framework

This report presents a range of statistical targets and indicators in support of the Northern Ireland Executive’s anti poverty and social inclusion strategy ‘Lifetime Opportunities'. The monitoring...

Social Integration Headline Measures

The Mayor is committed to measuring social integration in London. Providing evidence-based analysis of the state of social integration will allow him to shine a light on the whole...