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Insurance Premium Tax

Administrative datasets on Insurance Premium Tax

Insurance Premium Tax

Administrative datasets on Insurance Premium Tax

AddressBase Premium

Our flagship address database, AddressBase® Premium gives you the most up to date, accurate information about addresses, properties and land areas. You'll be more efficient - making it easier and...

Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and Renewable Heat Premium Payments (RHPP) monthly deployment data

The monthly statistics for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) programme present the number of applications and accredited installations on the scheme so far. The figures are broken down by...

Job Preparation Premium

The Job Preparation Premium was a weekly payment made for a maximum of 26 weeks to customers who carried out some form of activity which would help them towards paid employment.

Council Tax Empty Premium Charge 2014-2015

The number of properties (in each band) being charged an empty premium and the amount of levy the council will receive.

Council Tax Empty Premium Charge 2015-2016

The number of properties (in each band) being charged an empty premium and the amount of levy the London Borough of Barnet will receive.

Council Tax Empty Premium Charge 2016-2017

The number of properties (in each band) being charged an empty premium and the amount of levy the London Borough of Barnet will receive.

Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and Renewable Heat Premium Payments (RHPP) quarterly statistics

This quarterly release provides a summary of the deployment of renewable heat technologies under the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and Renewable Heat Premium Payments (RHPP)...

Insurance Premium Tax Bulletin

Produced monthly by HM Revenue & Customs. Provides details of the amount of standard and higher rate tax declared each month and the value of revenue collected. Source agency: HM Revenue and...

World Explorer Premium

More detailed (than standard ESRI GIS) mapping data for the world

JSA Monthly Summary LATEST MONTH

JSA Unemployment in Camden Summary (PDF): Quick analysis of monthly JSA statistics and GLA calculated JSA rates for Camden. Updated to give the latest published monthly analysis. Previous summaries...

Monthly Asylum Statistics

Monthly statistics relating to people who have applied for asylum. These data are based on provisional management information and are subject to change. Source agency: Home Office Designation:...

UKSBS Monthly Spend

UKSBS Monthly Spend

Monthly Differences Data

Data on significant differences between VAT returns and receipts. Updated: monthly.

Monthly Differences Data

Data on significant differences between VAT returns and receipts. Updated: monthly.

Six Month Offer

The Six Month Offer (6MO) was a recruitment subsidy for job seekers that ended in March 2011. The data consists of qualitative research with customers, providers/brokers and employers; three waves...

Spend - Agency by month

Monthly spend on non-school agency staff.This information is published monthly.

Monthly Asylum Statistics

Monthly statistics relating to people who have applied for asylum. These data are based on provisional management information and are subject to change.

Monthly Sea Fisheries Statistics

Monthly landings figures and year-to-date figures for the UK fishing fleet landing both into the UK and abroad, and for foreign vessel landings into UK ports. Source agency: Marine Management...