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38 results found

Driving Instructor Records

Scanned driving instructor documentation including applications to become an instructor, all communications with the instructor and information relating to that instructor.

Cycling Instructor Database

Details of instructors trained to deliver training to the National Standard for cycle training.

Dental Working Hours - Motivation Analysis

Dental Working Hours, 2012/13 and 2013/14 Motivation Analysis provides information on the motivation and morale of primary care dentists in England & Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland in...

Register of Pass Plus Instructors

Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) Requirement for registration - Pass Plus website - Driving Standards Agency 3/03/13 - asset contains personal data about Pass Plus qualified ADIs including contact...

Official Register of Driving Instructor Training.

Official Register of Driving Instructor Training (ORDIT) spreadsheet - contains contact and premises details of ORDIT accredited organisations and personal data relating to their employees...

Incidents and Crimes with a Hate Motivation Recorded by the Police in Northern Ireland

The PSNI produces statistics on the number of incidents and crimes with a hate motivation recorded by the police in Northern Ireland. Statistics are published on a financial year basis, with a...

Integrated Register of Driver Trainers (IRDT)

IRDT includes smaller elements of the Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) Registration System process. Information includes details of ADI registration all instructors and potential instructors; test...

Criminal Records Disclosures

Approved Driving Instructors & Potential Driving Instructors Criminal record disclosure results from the Criminal records bureau.

Criminal Records Bureau Application forms

Criminal Records Bureau and Disclosure Scotland application forms from Approved Driving Instructors & Potential Driving Instructors.

Compulsory Basic Training Files

Motorcycle Instructor Personal Files.

Disclosure Log

Recording details of Criminal Record Checks for Potential and Approved Driving Instructors.

Revocation Files

Investigation documentation and evidence leading to decisions about revoking Approved Driving Instructor licences

Appeal and Enforcement records

Any files relating to ongoing Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) Appeals & ADI Enforcement cases. The information covers the nature of the case and potential ADI history.

Driving and riding tests: extra data

The data published here is to accompany the Driving & Riding Test and Instructor Statistics releases ( Links are...

Emigration from the UK

The report considers where emigrants go, how long for, and their motivations.

Fixed Penalty Notice - Flyposting

The Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued for flyposting (excluding religion- or racially-motivated offences) from 2005 to 2009 by local authorities.

Camden and Islington Sport and Physical Activity Needs Assessment for CYP 2013 - Final Report

This needs assessment provides an analysis of needs relating to the provision of sport and physical activity for young people aged 0-18 (0-25 disabled) in Camden and Islington, with a view to...

Camden and Islington Sport and Physical Activity Needs Assessment for CYP 2013 - Recommendations

This needs assessment provides an analysis of needs relating to the provision of sport and physical activity for young people aged 0-18 (0-25 disabled) in Camden and Islington, with a view to...

Camden and Islington Sport and Physical Activity Needs Assessment for CYP 2013 - Executive Summary

This needs assessment provides an analysis of needs relating to the provision of sport and physical activity for young people aged 0-18 (0-25 disabled) in Camden and Islington, with a view to...

Racist incidents, England and Wales

The number of reported racist incidents to police forces in England and Wales (excluding British Transport Police). A ‘racist incident’ is any incident, including any crime, which is perceived by...