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Article 4 Directions

Location of all Article 4 directions within the OMBC boundary. Article 4 Directions are issued by the Council where specific control over development is required, primarily where the character of...

Species point records from 1984-86 Dyrynda Fleet lagoon (entrance) survey

The Fleet, on the western coast of Dorset, is the largest lagoon in the British Isles. 14 km in length, it communicates with marine waters only through a single, artificially narrowed entrance....

Habitat point records from 1984-86 Dyrynda Fleet lagoon (entrance) survey

The Fleet, on the western coast of Dorset, is the largest lagoon in the British Isles. 14 km in length, it communicates with marine waters only through a single, artificially narrowed entrance....

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 1979/15: Bosies Bank (15/08/1979 to 03/09/1979)

Report: Armstrong, EJ. 1979. Cruise Report for Project 79/14, West Shetland and Project 79/15, Bosies Bank. (IGS Report No 101). The aim of Project 79/15 was completion of regional geophysical...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project paper: Enhanced operating flexibility and optimised off-design operation of coal plants with post-combustion capture

The inherent nature of electricity necessitates a permanent balance between generation and demand in electricity systems. This has obvious implications for the operation of CCS power plants in...

QICS Paper: The use of scientific diving in support of a novel carbon dioxide release experiment

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a way of possibly reducing impacts from fossil fuel emissions by injecting large volumes of carbon dioxide into appropriate geological formations. Some of the...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Novel Materials and Reforming Processing Route for the Production of Ready-Separated CO2/N2/H2 from Natural Gas Feedstocks

The world's population is predicted to grow from the current 7 billions to a plateau of approximately 9.2 billions to be reached within the next 60 years, representing roughly a 30 % increase in a...

Rural Urban Classification (2001) of Local Authority Districts in EW (DEFRA)

The Rural Definition was introduced in 2004 as a joint project between the Commission for Rural Communities (CRC - formerly the Countryside Agency), the Department for Environment, Food and Rural...