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CYC stand-alone apprenticeships (excluding schools) - (Snapshot)

CYC stand-alone apprenticeships (excluding schools) - (Snapshot)

Resettlement Standalone

(1) To access BondAdapt (a Career Transition Partnership information management database listing all details of Service leavers registered to access CTP resettlement services) via a Virtual Private...

MOD Art Collection Database

A database containing the records and audit trail of all MOD Art Collection items. The database is in a database format on a standalone and currently in a spreadsheet format on DII.

Commissioning Support Units

Commissioning Support Units (CSU) Contains: Ecsu.csv contains parent CSUs and Data Management and Integration Centres (DMIC). DMICs will collate commissioning intelligence pertaining to a...

New Orders in the construction industry

New Orders in the Construction Industry has now been discontinued as a stand-alone release. Estimates of New Orders along with additional commentary are now included as part of the Output in the...

FE data library: workplace learning

Information on workplace learning data. Workplace Learning covers a broad range of training – from basic skills to Level 2, Level 3 and other higher-level skills such as Leadership and Management....

Inventories for the Alkaline Fen and Transition Mire and Quaking Bog Annex 1 habitats in England

This is a new stand-alone inventory that incorporates all vegetation types that fit within the EC Habitats Directive Annex 1 habitats ‘Alkaline Fens' (AF) and 'Transition Mires and Quaking Bogs'...

Pricing Trends for communications services

This report looks at pricing trends for residential phone, broadband and TV services in the UK. It examines the prices of standalone and bundled services and what consumers spend on them. It also...

Method validation of IC-ICPMS with chlorine removal for phosphite analysis (NERC Grant NE/V010824/1)

Method development for trace-level analyses of phosphite in chloride-rich matrices. Dataset includes linearity data from the ion chromatograph (IC) in stand-alone mode and coupled to the...

High-resolution (2 metre) digital elevation models of landscape affected by the Chamoli ice-debris flow, India, February 2021

These data are digital elevation models which describe landscape topography. The data were created to support analysis of landscape change following the 7th February 2021 avalanche-debris flow in...

Transition Zone Mapping for Marine-Terrestrial Archaeological Continuity (Contiguous Palaeo-Landscape Reconstruction)

The primary objective of this project was to produce a contiguous palaeo-landscape reconstruction across the marine to terrestrial boundary therefore enhancing the archaeological continuity across...

Transition Zone Mapping for Marine-Terrestrial Archaeological Continuity (Contiguous Palaeo-Landscape Reconstruction)

The primary objective of this project was to produce a contiguous palaeo-landscape reconstruction across the marine to terrestrial boundary therefore enhancing the archaeological continuity across...

Applied Geology Maps and Sections

This dataset contains the .tif (Tag Image File Format) scans of all the applied geology maps (otherwise known as thematic or environmental) and sections produced as part of "Geological background...

FCA: General insurance value measures data 2022

This is the FCA's first full year of general insurance value measures data, for January to December 2022. General insurance is an important product for consumers and provides essential protection...

Fuel Poverty Index - Scotland

This dataset is a Scottish Fuel Poverty Index created in the summer of 2023 by EDINA@University of Edinburgh as part of their student internship programme. The user guide provides descriptions of...

Wales Construction and Demolition waste arisings survey 2019

The purpose of the study was to provide information on the types, quantities, origins (by Construction and Demolition sector and geographic region), and fate (management method) of...

Monitoring of Pesticides and Trace Organics in Water [1992 - 2008]

PLEASE NOTE: THIS RECORD IS NOW RETIRED AND WILL NO LONGER BE UPDATED. This is a standalone dataset for 1992 to 2008 and there have been no updates to the data since its original publication. These...

Culverts - Scotland

Scottish legislation (Section 17) of the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 dictates that records of culverts must be created and maintained. Specifically: (1) Every local authority must...

GeoSure Insurance Product V7 2016.1

This dataset is the Derived Postcode Database issued as part of the GeoSure Insurance V7 incorporating postcode data from OS Code-Point Open version 2016.1. The GeoSure Insurance Product (including...

IODP Survey of the "Shackleton sites" on the Southwest Iberian Margin NERC grant NE/J00653X/1

Advances in our understanding of the Earth's climate system will rely on our ability to link high-resolution sedimentary archives from the oceans, ice-cores and terrestrial sequences, and to...