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Reasons for leaving last job

This release gives information on the reasons why people left their main jobs, focusing on whether the reason they left was voluntary or involuntary. Trends in the rate of people leaving their main...

DRR (Duly Reasoned Requests)

This is a list of Duly Reasoned Requests from other countries wishing to send wastes for disposal in England Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2016. All...

NHS Workforce - Reasons for Leaving, Staff Movements

NHS Hospital & Community Health Service (HCHS) monthly workforce statistics - Provisional Statistics: Timeseries of Reasons for Leaving and Staff Movements

WFD RBMP2 Reasons for deterioration

This dataset contains reasons for deterioration (RFD) data produced to support the cycle 2 river basin management plans. It contains water bodies that have deteriorated from 'Good' or 'High' to...

WFD Catchment Management Information England - Reasons for Failure

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA318 WFD Catchment Management Information England - Reasons for Failure. This dataset sets out the different units used for managing the Water...

Reasonable Adjustments

Contains details of equipment provided to employees for non standard adjustments to work stations such as voice recognition software, monitors and non IT items such as orthopaedic chairs and names...

WFD RBMP2 Reasons for Not Achieving Good Status

This dataset contains reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) data produced to support the cycle 2 river basin management plans. It contains water body elements that have a classification...

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship breakdown

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship breakdown

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship breakdown

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship breakdown

Exotic Notifible Disease Report Case Reason for Submission Vocabulary

This dataset provides a codelist for the reason why a sample resulting in Non Negative Lab Result was submitted that resulted an Exotic Notifiable Disease investigations carried out by the Animal...

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship breakdown - (YTD)

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - Violent relationship breakdown - (YTD)

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship breakdown - (YTD)

Homelessness assessment (reason for loss of home) - % Violent relationship breakdown - (YTD)

Suspension and Revocation Reasons for Certificates of Competence and Slaughter Licences

Number of instances and reasons for suspension or revocation of Slaughter Licences or Certificates of Competence by year

CORE - Social housing lettings (LA owned) - Reason for housing

This dataset contains responses to the question: In the tenant’s view what was the main reason the household left their last settled home? These data are for new social housing lettings at the...

Large river confluence numerical model output (NERC grant NE/I023228/1)

This dataset contains numerical model output of a morphodynamic and sedimentological simulation of a large river confluence based loosely on the Jamuna-Ganges junction in Bangladesh. The work was...

Payments Made to Individuals for Exceptional Reasons

Details of CHAPS exceptional payments

Numerical simulations of river bed dynamics for the South Saskatchewan River, Canada

Data were generated to investigate the influence of bed roughness on the dynamics of large sand-bed rivers like the South Saskatchewan, Canada. The influence of roughness was investigated by using...

Numerical calculations of compacting flow past spheres and circular cylinders (NERC grant NE/I023929/1)

This data contains the results of numerical simulations described in the following two papers: Alisic L., Rhebergen S., Rudge J.F., Katz R.F., Wells G.N. Torsion of a cylinder of partially molten...

Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS): real-time numerical weather prediction model output at 4.5 and 6km resolution for the Antarctic

The Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) is an experimental, real-time numerical weather prediction capability that provides support for the United States Antarctic Program, Antarctic...

Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS): real-time numerical weather prediction model output at 4.5 and 6km resolution for the Antarctic

The Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) is an experimental, real-time numerical weather prediction capability that provides support for the United States Antarctic Program, Antarctic...