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933 results found

Lightning Observations

Lightening Observations, (Location and Date/Time) for the Met Office Lightening Arrival Time Difference Network (ATDNet)

Earth Observation Data

A link to the DEFRA website detailing the different types of Earth Observation Available via API's and archive data from the Earth Observation Data Service.

Observation Station Dataset

Metadata about the Synop and Climate stations used to collect Observations.

UKEOF Environmental Observation Activity Catalogue

The UK Environmental Observation Framework (UKEOF) works to improve coordination of the observational evidence needed to understand and manage the changing natural environment. It is a partnership...

Regional Extremes Observations

Extremes of temperature, rainfall and sunshine are provided for a chosen region along with the location at which the extreme occurred. Based on observation sites split across: Eight...

2011- Ongoing Met Office Autonomous Marine Observing System (AMOS) Meteorological Observations

Meteorological observations originating from Met Office built ship-borne autonomous marine observing systems, produced hourly from any given position on the ship's track/route for weather...

2011- Ongoing Met Office Autonomous Marine Observing System (AMOS) Meteorological Observations

Meteorological observations originating from Met Office built ship-borne autonomous marine observing systems, produced hourly from any given position on the ship's track/route for weather...

Latest 24 hours observational data - Marine

Rolling 24 hour data set of observed weather. Observations are subject to final quality control checks after publication.

Last 24hrs Marine Observations

This data includes observations from buoys, light vessels and coastal stations around the UK and within UK waters. Observation parameters reported include: Present weather (code)...

Roadside survey of vehicle observations

The roadside survey is a survey of vehicles passing observation points on the UK road network. It uses automatic numberplate recognition (ANPR) cameras to capture registration marks at 256 sites...

UK Hourly Site Specific Observations

Hourly observations for the last 24 hours for approximately 140 locations across the UK. It should be noted that not all sites provide all of the parameters that are shown below, where a...

3 hourly weather forecast and observational data - UK locations

## Datamarket closure As Microsoft have announced that they are shutting down their DataMarket service, the API access currently at...

CIRCCREX: in-situ airborne observations by the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft

In-situ airborne observations by the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft for Cirrus Coupled Cloud-Radiation Experiment (CIRCCREX).

CIRCCREX: in-situ airborne observations by the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft

In-situ airborne observations by the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft for Cirrus Coupled Cloud-Radiation Experiment (CIRCCREX).

VANAHEIM: in-situ airborne observations by the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft

In-situ airborne observations by the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft for Volcanic and Atmospheric Near- to far-field Analysis of plumes Helping Interpretation and Modelling (VANAHEIM).

VANAHEIM: in-situ airborne observations by the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft

In-situ airborne observations by the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft for Volcanic and Atmospheric Near- to far-field Analysis of plumes Helping Interpretation and Modelling (VANAHEIM).

Historical Station Observations

Monthly data are available from 37 long-running historic stations, see the map for locations. The series typically range from 50 to more than 100 years in length. The data consists...

Hourly Rainfall Observations

Synoptic Rainfall Europe West (SREW) Hourly rainfall data (Met Office sites only)

National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO): Ice Sheet Dynamics Data

Theme 5 (Cryosphere and Polar Oceans) of the National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) is aimed at resolving uncertainties in future climate and sea-level arising from behaviour of the...

National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO): Ice Sheet Dynamics Data

Theme 5 (Cryosphere and Polar Oceans) of the National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) is aimed at resolving uncertainties in future climate and sea-level arising from behaviour of the...