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Northern Ireland Abstract of Statistics Online

The Abstract contains a wide range of statistics drawn from both government and non-government sources. The tables cover a large number of subject areas including, among others, population, social...

Online research catalogue: Naukratis: Greeks in Egypt

Research into the development and historical context of Naukratis, its re-discovery and excavation and its modern history

Environmental Permitting Regulations - Radioactive Substances - Public Register Online

This dataset comprises basic details of Environmental Permitting Regulations Radioactive Substances Regulation permits that are placed on the public register. The Environmental Permitting...

Measuring National Well-being Consultation Data (Online Questionnaire)

Finding out ' What matters to people'

Online ONS Postcode Directory Tabular and Spatial Extract Tool


Health geography hierarchy boundaries, December 2021, England and Wales - Online


Gambling Accounting Centre data (GAC)

Betting, gaming and lottery duties returns. Updated: regularly.

Gambling Accounting Centre data (GAC)

Betting, gaming and lottery duties returns. Updated: monthly.

International Territorial Level (ITL) geography hierarchy boundaries, January 2021, UK, Online

International Territorial Level (ITL) geography hierarchy boundaries, January 2021, UK.Boundaries used (BGC) are generalised (20m) and are clipped to the coastline for Great Britain, but for...

FSA Audits of Approved Meat Establishments

FSA audits of approved meat establishments (slaughterhouses, cutting plants and game handling establishments) in Britain

Online research catalogue: Asante Gold Regalia in the The British Museum collection

Draws together the The British Museum’s collection of 220 pieces of gold regalia from the West African state of Asante in modern-day Ghana.

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: Flexible CCS operations combined with online solvent monitoring: A pilot-scale study, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project Flexible CCS operations combined with online solvent monitoring: A pilot-scale study was presented at the CSLF Call project poster reception, London,...

Authorisations Held by FSA Staff

A snap-shot of the numbers of FSA inspection staff (Official Veterinarians and Meat Hygiene Inspectors) designated for red meat, poultry and wild game.

Adults' media use and attitudes

The Adults' Media Use and Attitudes report is published as part of Ofcom's media literacy duties. It provides data on adults' media use and attitudes across TV, radio, games, mobile and the...


Dataset contains areas identified having as recreation facilities available to young people such as Multi Use Games Areas, Skateboard Parks and Basketball Courts. It does not denote authority...

DCMS planned expenditure baseline allocations for 2011-2012

This data set breaks down how our funding settlement will be allocated for the 2011/12 financial year, across our key programmes and activities (excluding expenditure on the Olympic and Paralympic...

FSA Audits of Approved Meat Establishments

Food Standards Agency (FSA) audits of approved meat establishments (slaughterhouses, cutting plants and game handling establishments) in Britain. For further information, please visit [Food...

Childrens Play Equipment

Childrens and Young Persons Space fixed equipment within Children's Play Grounds (CPG), Wheels Parks, Teen Shelters and Multi-use Games Areas (MUGA) the latter being mainly used by young persons...

National Lottery - funds raised for good causes

This report details the fund raised for good causes by the National Lottery. Funds are raised from the sale of National Lottery games and supplemented by items suchs as unclaimed prizes. The funds...

Habitat records associated with unstructured species records from the iRecord online survey recording tool, UK, 1812-2024

This dataset provides habitat data from unstructured biological records made through iRecord. This dataset includes records between 1812 and 2024, however the majority of the data is from recent...