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This research report uses available data to estimate the number of new users of opiates and, or crack-cocaine (OCUs) between 2005 and 2013. This paper estimates that around 5,000 to 8,000...
% of opiate users in treatment who successfully completed drug treatment (without representation within 6 months)
% of non-opiate users in treatment who successfully completed drug treatment (without representation within 6 months)
Estimated Problem Drug Users (Crack and/or Opiates), Crude Rate, Aged 15-64 Source: The National Treatment Agency Publisher: Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO) Geographies: Local...
The change in the number of drug users (using crack and/or opiates) in treatment in a financial year, who are still in continuous treatment, who are discharged from the treatment system after 12...