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1,013 results found

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty

An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in North Hertfordshire is an area of high scenic quality which has statutory protection in order to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of its...

Areas Outstanding Natural Beauty

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) as designated in the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public...

Areas Outstanding Natural Beauty

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) as designated in the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public...

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs)

This spatial dataset contains the digital boundaries of all Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) in Wales. AONBs are established under the Countryside Act of 1949, but unlike National Parks,...

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Northern Ireland has a great variety of scenic countryside and although there are no National Parks, large areas of landscape of distinctive character and special scenic value have been designated...

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (England)

AONBs are designated areas where protection is afforded to protect and manage the areas for visitors and local residents. Under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, Natural England has the...

SNPA - ELDP Area of Natural Beauty

Dataset showing the Area of Natural Beauty under Development Policy 2 - Development & the Landscape of the Eryri Local Development Plan (ELDP), the limit of each area is recorded as a...

Council owned land

Plymouth City Council Owned Land

NDDC Owned Land

North Dorset District Council Owned Land

Council- Owned Garages

Oxford City Council-owned garages that are made available to the public to rent

Council Owned Trees

Council owned trees in York. Mapped tree positions are for guidance purposes only and should not be considered accurate and complete. For full details please contact the arboricultural...

Cornwall Council Owned Land

Cornwall Council Owned Land shows assets either owned or leased by the Council. This data should be treated as indicative rather than definitive, and should not be considered as the complete...

property land tbc owned

Dataset shows land and properties owned by tbc

property land tbc owned

Dataset shows land and properties owned by tbc

property land tbc owned

Dataset shows land and properties owned by tbc

Ipswich Borough Owned Land

List of land assets owned by Ipswich Borough Council. Data published yearly.

NatureScot Owned land

Merged dataset containing land owned by or leased from SNH. Excludes small parcels of land owned by SNH attached to urban offices such as SNH HQ at Great Glen House, Inverness. For a list of...


Property assets owned by public bodies within South Gloucestershire. compiled for Total Place project. Not an exhaustive list of all assets.

RBWM Owned Open Spaces

Areas of land within the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead that are used for playing activities and recreational purposes for the community that are owned by the council. Data captured as...


Fenland District Council Owned Car parks