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Criminal Proceedings in Scottish Courts

Statistics on criminal proceedings concluded in Scottish Courts, motor vehicle offences, and bail orders and offences. Source agency: Justice Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Criminal Proceedings in Scottish Courts

Statistics on criminal proceedings concluded in Scottish Courts, motor vehicle offences, and bail orders and offences. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

Time intervals for criminal proceedings: Adults

Time intervals for criminal proceedings in Magistrates' courts: Timeliness targets (charge to completion)- Adult court cases Source: Criminal Justice Service, Department for Constitutional Affairs...

Time intervals for criminal proceedings: Children

Time intervals for criminal proceedings in Magistrates' courts: Timeliness targets (charge to completion)-Youth court cases Source: Criminal Justice Service, Department for Constitutional Affairs...

Proceeds of Crime Act Orders

The purpose of PoCA is the confiscation and payment to the State of benefits identified as proceeds of crime. The Environment Agency applies for confiscation orders post conviction and takes action...

Proceedings at magistrates' courts for motoring offences

Proceedings at magistrates' courts for motoring offences by police force area Source: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Publisher: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Geographies: Police Force Area Geographic...

Time Intervals for Criminal Proceedings in Magistates' Courts

Quarterly survey of magistrates' courts cases

DCLG Data4NR: Court proceedings and cautions

Persons found guilty of all offences at magistrates' courts by police force area, sex, age and type of offence. Data4NR reference.

Quarterly Sentencing Brief

Data tables - data from Court proceedings database

Sentencing Statistics Annual

Annual pivot tables - data from Court proceedings database

Joint Asset Recovery Database

A central repository of information relating to seizures of the Proceeds of Crime.

Criminal Statistics: England and Wales

Covers offenders dealt with by formal police cautions, reprimands or warning, or criminal court proceedings in England and Wales. 

Failure to Appear (FTA) Warrants

FTA Warrant data are published in the quarterly bulletin 'Criminal Justice Statistics Quarterly Update', six months in arrears, on the MoJ website. FTA data appears within the court proceedings table.

Northern Ireland Railways NIR Signal Posts

A signal post is a structure that supports the NIR signals. These are visual display devices which convey instructions or provide warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed...

Accretion of the lower oceanic crust: Reconciling evidence of hydrothermal fluid fluxes with mineral cooling rates from ODP Hole 1256D, IODP Exp335 (NERC grant NE/L000059/1)

Data produced from NERC Grant NE/L000059/1 - IODP Exp 335 report which is open access and includes all the observations and other data generated on the Expedition....

Mortgage possession statistics

Mortgage possessions proceedings issued in the county courts, Local Authority and private Source: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Publisher: Ministry of Justice Geographies: County/Unitary Authority,...

Single-use plastic carrier bags charge data for England

These datasets provide the information submitted to government about single use carrier bag charging in England, including the number and proceeds of single-use plastic carrier bags issued/charged...

Planktic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon stable isotope data (NERC Grant NE/P013112/1)

Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of planktic foraminifera spanning the early and middle Eocene succession recovered from borehole 16/28-Sb01. For description of this sedimentary sequence see...

Benthic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon stable isotope data (NERC Grant NE/P013112/1)

Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of benthic foraminifera spanning the early and middle Eocene succession recovered from borehole 16/28-Sb01. For description of this sedimentary sequence see...

Bulk sedimentary carbonate oxygen and carbon stable isotope data (NERC Grant NE/P013112/1)

Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of bulk sediment carbonate spanning the early and middle Eocene succession recovered from borehole 16/28-Sb01. For description of this sedimentary sequence...