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3,462 results found

Govt Major projects Project Leadership

GMPP Project Leaders (SROs and Project Directors).

Project scores for DFID development projects

Internal project scoring of project performance

Population Projections

Population Projections from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). These are the official projections of the future resident population in Lincolnshire. Population projections show estimates...

West Coast Palaeolandscape Project (Pilot Project)

The West Coast Palaeolandscapes Project builds upon the results of comparative work carried out within the Southern North Sea as part of the North Sea Palaeolandscape Project (NSPP). The results of...

West Coast Palaeolandscape Project (Pilot Project)

The West Coast Palaeolandscapes Project builds upon the results of comparative work carried out within the Southern North Sea as part of the North Sea Palaeolandscape Project (NSPP). The results of...

Population Projections

Use this interactive tool to compare the projected resident populations of selected areas and how they may change over time. Data are available for regions, counties and Local Authorities in...

Dementia - projections

People with dementia require substantial amounts of care, particularly social care. Their numbers are predictable from simple calculations applied to population projections . This indicator...

Population projection

ONS Population projection by Age and Gender

Population projections

Population projections for North Yorkshire including age and sex breakdowns

Government Major Projects

Performance data on all DWP major government ICT projects over £1 million pounds.

2015 round population projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   Four variants of local authority level population...

Scottish Arthroplasty Project

Summary statistics for Consultants and NHS Boards performing joint replacement operations. The Scottish Arthroplasty Project was informed that central funding for the project had been withdrawn...

National Pupil Projections

A report on national projections for the number of pupils in schools Source agency: Education Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Ethnic group population projections

The ethnic group projections are produced for London borough and provide detailed projection by 17 ethnic groups of London’s future population. Two variants are produced: one consistent with the...

2016-based household projections

The 2016-based household projections are the most recent set of GLA projections. These projections will form part of the evidence based for the Mayor's new London Plan. These projections are...

Employment-led population projections

GLA Demography has published 2016-based employment-led projections for London which provide population projections which are consistent with the employment projection scenarios published by GLA...

2010 round population projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   The 2010 round of projections was the first to be...

2010 round household projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   Household projections were produced consistent with the...

2013 round household projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   The 2013 round of projections included the following...

2016-based population projections

The 2016-based population projections are the most recent set of GLA projections. These projections will form part of the evidence based for the Mayor's new London Plan.  Note: These outputs...