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North Norfolk District Council Grass Areas

This dataset contains areas of land owned by North Norfolk District Council and others which are maintained as areas of grass

Abundance of airborne pollen for nine grass species, measured by qPCR, UK, 2016-2017

The dataset contains abundance data of airborne pollen (including Anthoxanthum odoratum (sweet vernal-grass), Arrhenatherum elatius (false oat-grass), Cynosurus cristatus (crested dog's-tail),...

Grass productivity data from a field site in the Conwy Valley (2016)

Data are presented showing grass productivity as grammes per 100 square centimetres under four different nutrient treatments (water, nitrogen, phosphorus and nitrogen & phosphorus combined). An...

Ozone effects in high sugar grass pasture

Data includes raw shoot biomass and yield, production and gas exchange, nodulation and N-fixation and forage quality data, including relative and consumable food values. The impacts of ozone on the...

Habitat Networks (England) - Purple Moor Grass & Rush Pasture

This is the record for Purple Moor Grass & Rush Pasture which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best...

Air Quality

Air Quality monitoring stations taken from Stroud District Council.

Air Quality Monitoring

Most recent Monitoring points for Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels in Cheltenham Town centre AQMA (Air Quality Management Area). An air quality management area (AQMA) is effectively an air quality...

Water Quality Archive

The Water Quality Archive provides data on water quality measurements taken from sampling points around the country and then analysed to measure aspects of the water quality and / or the...

Air Quality Hotspots

Air Quality Hotspots (areas of poor air quality under consideration for remedial measures) within Dudley Metropolitan Borough.

Bristol Air quality

Air quality is monitored continuously at several sites in and around the city with continuous analysers. Real time data from our air quality monitoring network, and from sites in Bristol that are...

Quality Certification Register

Quality Certification register for Quality Management System (QMS) and Environmental Management System (EMS). Records of certificates issued with company details and contact staff.

Quality Of Life

Each year a survey called 'Quality of Life in Your Neighbourhood' is carried out. Bristol residents are asked to help monitor the Quality of Life in Bristol. The information provided from this...

Air Quality Monitors

Locations of Bristol City Council operated air quality monitoring sites, which defines the areas of poor air quality in Bristol.Data displayed is annual nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations...

Air Quality Management Areas

Air Quality Management Areas are areas identified where air pollution exceeds the national air quality objectives. Actions taken to improve air quality are focused on these areas and their success...

Quality of estuaries

Quality of estuaries

Land Quality Assessment

Land Quality Assessment

Air Quality Management Areas

Air Quality Management Areas. Areas identified where air quality objectives are not being met. Actions taken to improve air quality are focused on these areas and their success measured by ongoing...

Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Air quality monitoring stations within Milton Keynes Borough.The council manages air quality monitoring stations throughout the borough and air quality is predominantly good.

Air Quality Monitoring

Air quality monitoring sites.

Air Quality Monitors

Air Quality Monitor Locations