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218 results found

Random Forest model output prediction raster for the occurrence of Fe-Mn in the World Oceans

The raster provide the output of a machine-learning random forest algorithm modelling the occurrence of ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) crust deposits in the world ocean. This raster constitutes a...

Benefits and Credits Error and Fraud Analytical Programme (EFAP)

Contains the results of enquiries carried out by claimant compliance into a stratified random sample of 5,000 finalised Child and Working tax credit awards. Details include yield found, direction...

Transport Connectivity Travel Time Data

Representative travel times from each small area of England to selected transport destinations (airports, larger rail stations and major road junctions) which are the outputs of journey time...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Tractable equations of state for CO2 mixtures in CCS: algorithms for automated generation and optimisation, tailored to end-users

This project will tackle one of the key technical challenges facing the development of commercially viable CO2 transport networks: modelling the phase behaviour of impure carbon dioxide, under the...

Species point records from 1998 ITE The Wash littoral survey

Littoral survey of The Wash by Institute of Terrestrial Ecology in Autumn of 1998 and 1999. All invertebrate data are expressed as mean densities per square meter calculated from 3 random 10 cm...

Habitat point records from 1998 ITE The Wash littoral survey

Littoral survey of The Wash by Institute of Terrestrial Ecology in Autumn of 1998 and 1999. All invertebrate data are expressed as mean densities per square meter calculated from 3 random 10 cm...

Species point records from 1985-86 ITE The Wash littoral survey

Littoral survey of The Wash by Institute of Terrestrial Ecology in Autumn of 1985 and 1986. All invertebrate data are expressed as mean densities per square meter calculated from 5 pairs of random...

Habitat point records from 1985-86 ITE The Wash littoral survey

Littoral survey of The Wash by Institute of Terrestrial Ecology in Autumn of 1985 and 1986. All invertebrate data are expressed as mean densities per square meter calculated from 5 pairs of random...

Species point records from 1999 ITE The Wash littoral sediment survey

Littoral survey of The Wash by Institute of Terrestrial Ecology in Autumn of 1999. All invertebrate data are expressed as mean densities per square meter calculated from 3 random 10 cm corer...

Habitat point records from 1999 ITE The Wash littoral sediment survey

Littoral survey of The Wash by Institute of Terrestrial Ecology in Autumn of 1999. All invertebrate data are expressed as mean densities per square meter calculated from 3 random 10 cm corer...

Western Kenya soil geochemistry

Soil prediction maps for 56 chemical elements, pH and organic matter content have been produced using machine learning analysis in western Kenya. The predictive maps were based on 452 soil samples...

Net CO2 exchange, evaporation and heat flux data from Alice Holt plantation tower (1999-2012)

Net CO2, evaporation and heat flux data have been collected at the Alice Holt Flux tower since 1999, these data are used in combination with the data set ‘Meteorological and climatological data...

LDN Sqr Test Data

Test data for LDN Sqr D3 component development. Random data.

Survey data set on SME employers' use of and barriers to business support

Underlying data from the publication 'Research to understand the barriers to take up and use of business support' [URN 11/1288]. Data from a survey of 1,202 employer SMEs in England undertaken in...

Hydrological extremes and feedbacks in the changing water cycle (NERC Grant NE/I00677X/1)

2 examples of Integrated Water Vapour Transport (IVT) maps generated using a new algorithm produced from the work done under the Grant. This algorithm has been published and the article can be...

Wader Zonal Map

The Wader Zonal Map – a.k.a. Wader Sensitivity Map (WSM) and Breeding Wader Sensitivity Map – was produced by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) in partnership with the Forestry Commission and...

LIDAR Ground Truth Surveys

The Environment Agency LIDAR Ground Truth surveys dataset is an archive of elevation points and attribute information that have been independently surveyed to verify the accuracy of the EA's LIDAR...

Prediction of outcrops or subcrops of rock in UK shelf seabed (public)

Prediction of the presence of rock at outcrop or subcrop at the seabed across the UK shelf area. This shapefile was produced through a semi-automated approach, using a Random Forest model combined...

ShapeCalc - 2D-3D shape projection tool and underlying database of 2D width/length distributions

ShapeCalc is an Excel-based tool that uses 2D crystal intersection widths and lengths to estimate 3D crystal shape. ShapeCalc provides 3D (S:I:L) shape estimates for 2D width-length (w-l) input...

LIDAR DTM Time Stamped Tiles

The LIDAR DTM (Digital Terrain Model) Time Stamped Tiles product is an archive of raster elevation data produced by the Environment Agency. Site specific LIDAR surveys have been carried out across...