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43 results found


Employee membership records

Professional Cadre Membership

List of staff membership of professional cadres

Committee Membership 2021/22

Register of current committee membership

Trade Union Membership statistics

Provides annual estimates of trade union membership from the Labour Force Survey for both employees and all workers. National Statistics

Housing Ombudsman Contacts/Membership Database

Contacts and Membership database for the Housing Ombudsman

Councillor Membership on Outside Bodies

List of Councillor Membership on Outside Bodies 2021-2022

Library membership

Library membership A count of library members by Lower super output area. A library member is any user registered with the library service.   Columns Local authority – Barnet Count date – date of...

Cabinet Committee membership lists November 2012

Membership of Cabinet Committees and sub-Committees as of November 2012. Includes terms of reference of Committees and is available in Word format on the Cabinet Office website.

Defra Information Services Directorate Staff Professional Membership Spend FY15 16

A list of staff Professional Memberships funded by Defra Information Services Directorate in financial year 2015 2016.

Armed Forces Pension Scheme Membership

Resource Accounts

Civil Service Pension Scheme membership data

Details held by scheme administrators under contract to the Cabinet Office of 1.5 million active, deferred and pensioner members of the Civil Service pension arrangements. Also details of the 250...

NDPB membership application papers (BTPA only)

Non Departmental Public Bodies (NDPB) applications and associated material relating to public appointments to the division's NDPB, including personal information needing protection

National College for Teaching and Leadership School Leader Membership Data

Data relating to individual members of NCTL including contact details, employment records etc.

Alumni Association Records

Membership records for the DFID Alumni Association.

NI Assembly Members

List of current membership of the Northern Ireland Assembly

Heritage Library Database

RNAS Yeovilton. Library membership lists, to help manage Learning Centre library.

Libraries Summary

Summary totals for each Calderdale library, including issues, returns, borrowers , stock count and membership.

Nature Conservation Committee Pension scheme

governance, financial and personal data relating to the operation and membership of the NCC Pension Scheme.

EU Referendum 23 June 2016

Data relating to the Referendum held on 23rd June 2016 regarding membership of the European Union.

Equality and diversity characterics of lay applicants to advisory bodies

Raw data on the monitoring the characteristics of lay people applying for membership of our advisory bodies (NICE)