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1,335 results found

Low Carbon Generators

Listing of low carbon energy generators installed on GLA group properties as requested in [question 2816/2010 to the Mayor]( during the...

Employment Generating Uses

Allocations within the Allocations Plan for new or intensification of employment generating uses.

Recommended shortage occupation lists

UKBA management information from the second review of the recommended shortage occupation lists relating to Tier 2 of the Points Based System and requirements of UK labour market

Self generated electricity generated on Defra estate July 2012 to April 2016

Monthly data on self generated electricity generated for individual sites across the Defra estate from July 2012 to April 2016.

Renewables Obligation: certificates and generation

Monthly data on the number of certificates issued for generation under the Renewables Obligation. Accredited Official Statistics

Feed in Tariff scheme generation data

Feed in Tariff scheme statistics on generation. Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland - Final Recommendations

Datasets of the Boundary Commission's Final Recommendations for 17 Parliamentary constituencies in Northern Ireland under the 2018 Review. Further detail on the Final Recommendations can be found...

Business cases to increase Recommended Funding Limit

Business cases to increase providers Recommended Funding Limit

Action Recommendations

Eradication and containment advice provided to Plant Health Seed Inspectors upon the interception of non-native invertebrate and disease plant pests.

Energy generation from Solar Panel PV arrays

Energy generation from Solar Panel PV arrays for selected Bristol buildings. Includes daily output from smart meters for the week commencing 14 Jan 2014, Feed-In-Tariff claims for the Solar Panel...

A Generational Accounts Approach to Long Term Public Finance in the UK

Generational accounts provides a valid alternative view of long term public finance. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Supporting material Language: English Alternative...

Municipal waste generation in England from 2000/01 to 2009/10

Municipal waste generation in England from 2000/01 to 2009/10 tables 1-5

% of staff who would recommend the council as a good place to work

% of staff who would recommend the council as a good place to work

Strategy for Industry Generated Data - 2016/17 - Fisheries Science Patnership

A desk-based study was undertaken to address the increasing need for a strategic approach to industry-led data collection in the face of reducing resources and growing need for evidence in...

MMO1097 Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated By Activities

Data outputs from MMO 1097 Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated by Activities project. The aim of this project is to produce indicative data for mapping the distribution of...

Statistics of the Employment Tribunals selection and recommendations for appointment exercise, showing diversity

This report presents comprehensive statistics on the judicial selection process and recommendations for Employment Tribunal Members. This exercise ran from August 2009 to January 2010. Most...

% of staff who would not recommend the council as a good place to work

% of staff who would not recommend the council as a good place to work

Joint recommendations (Prisons and Probation Ombudsmen)

Joint Reccomendations Database used in the Prison and Probations Ombudsman. Reccomendations refer to services (Prison Service, Probation Service, Home Office Immigration Enforcement) that are made...

% of adults (aged 19+) that meet CMO recommendations for physical activity (150+ moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week)

% of adults (aged 19+) that meet CMO recommendations for physical activity (150+ moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week)

MMO1097 Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated By Activities Web Mapping Service (WMS)

Data outputs from MMO 1097 Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated by Activities project. The aim of this project is to produce indicative data for mapping the distribution of...